DEV Community

Discussion on: I can't make up my mind about Twitter lately

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Automation is inherently fairly inauthentic. You could probably pull of "interesting content" in a somewhat automated way, but that could be kind of disingenuous by nature.

One interesting type of content would be if you wrote an algorithm to fetch interesting stuff that might be relevant to your audience and made that clear in the tweet. Turning the "automated" part from a bug into a feature.

In terms of further systematization, you could plan to pop into Twitter a few times a week to look up interesting accounts and quote tweet some of their stuff with an interesting take. A bit more than re-tweeting, this would be adding a thought to the conversation in a very Twitter-friendly way. You could even harvest "interesting tweets" and then generate the quote tweet outside of Twitter to really streamline the whole thing.

When I was at my peak of running @thepracticaldev Twitter, I thought a lot about authenticity and the best way to be authentic is to dive in and be a part of the conversation. But that is a rabbit hole that does not "bring me joy". That was a big part of shifting my focus to building and running in the first place.

For max authenticity, you have to hang around and interact right through the native app and really "get" it. You could timebox deliberately doing this a few times a week.

Personally I don't think it's all worth it. Do the parts of this that are truly interesting to you and be okay with some inauthenticity online order to live a more authentic real life.

Hope this was helpful.

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victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Thanks Ben. I think you nailed it and your sentiment echoes offline discussions I’ve been having lately (with others who don’t spend much time on Twitter, go figure). I think my timeline will remain a place for neat experiments in the foreseeable future, and I like your idea for automation.

Maybe looking for authenticity on Twitter and fast media is too much investment, and not worth it besides. I can still play with interesting programs that interact with it though!

Thanks for stirring up some thoughts :)

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sharpdog profile image

You could make a recommender system that you would feed interesting posts. This would then search RSS feeds or other sources for similar links and tweet them. This could be built on an ML platform or a search platform like SOLR. Many examples of such recommender systems are available.