DEV Community

Discussion on: What's the state of Ruby? Is it trending down for good or just settling in to a mature niche role?

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I think there's a lot of interesting stuff going on in ruby land. For those who need performance, there's Ruby 3x3 and TruffleRuby. For those who prefer functional programming, there's dry-rb. In Europe, alternatives to the rails way, like Hanami and Trailblazer, are gaining attention. And ruby is still rising in Japan, especially mruby.

And then there are languages like Elixir and Crystal. In my opinion, these languages prove that the philosophy behind ruby, e.g. beautiful syntax and developer happiness, is going to spread and influence the world of programming. And since these languages share the same philosophy, I wouldn't consider them competitors to ruby.

I believe that ruby, and the way we write ruby, will (have to) change. Less monkey patching, DSLs, autoloading and tight coupling. More functional programming, SOLID code and immutability.

I can't imagine ruby going down for good or becoming a niche language. I really hope it's got a great future ahead.