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Discussion on: Why Password Length is so Important

benaryorg profile image
#benaryorg • Edited

For a single character password, there are 100 possibilities. Two characters makes it 10000 + 100 = 10100.

Isn't it usually number of possibilities for one character to the power of number of characters? So simply 100 * 100 for two characters or more generic 100 ** length?

Edit: did think it through again with an only numbers password.
There you have 10 possibilities per character each, and with two characters you have 100 (00-99,10×10 possibilities) instead of 110 (10×10+10), as you suggest.

dean profile image

Yup! But you also add all the previous password lengths as well, as an attacker will most likely not know the length of your password. To make it more accurate, I could've put in an 8-character minimum or something like that, but it wouldn't be too significant anyway given exponential growth with password length.

benaryorg profile image

Ah, right, totally forgot that an attacker needs to go through all lengths too, my mistake.