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Benjamin Iduwe
Benjamin Iduwe

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Send webhooks with your Laravel application

Laravel webhook allows businesses to send webhooks to their merchants/clients with ease. This package also introduces a
new artisan command to generate a webhook class.


  • Composer v1.0/2.0
  • Php (7.3 and above)
  • Laravel (6 and above).


You can install the package via composer:

composer require bencoderus/laravel-webhook
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Publish basic components. (migrations and configuration files)

php artisan webhook:install
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Run migrations

php artisan migrate
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Basic usage

Create a new webhook class

php artisan make:webhook PaymentWebhook
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Creates a new webhook class in App\Http\Webhooks

You can format your webhook payload like a resource.

public function data(): array
        return [
            'status' => $this->status,
            'amount' => $this->amount,
            'currency' => 'USD',
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Sending a webhook.

$transaction = Transaction::first();

$webhook = new PaymentWebhook($transaction);
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Sending with an encrypted signature

$transaction = Transaction::first();

$webhook = new PaymentWebhook($transaction);
        ->withSignature('x-key', 'value_to_hash')
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The default hashing algorithm is sha512 you can change it by passing a different hashing algorithm as the third
parameter for the withSignature method. PHP currently supports over 50 hashing algorithms.

Sending webhooks without using a Queue.
By default, all webhooks are dispatched using a queue to facilitate webhook retrial after failure. You can also send
webhooks without using a Queue by passing false to the send method.

$transaction = Transaction::first();

$webhook = new PaymentWebhook($transaction);
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Find package on Github.

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