In this episode, we speak with Laurent Bugnion, a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate for Microsoft. He is one of the foremost experts for XAML and C# based development. And, he is also the author of the well-known open source framework MVVM Light for Windows, WPF and Xamarin. We talk about his success story of his open source framework MVVM Light, its adoption by Microsoft, and his thoughts on and use of Xamarin, Blazor and Azure. We also dive into his open source project; This is all built on Blazor, runs on Azure Static Web Apps, and its powered by Azure Functions and by SignalR. In particular, we zoom in on the benefits of Azure Static Web Apps. Furthermore, we talk about his role and the importance of developer advocacy and creating content. Especially, his focus on his show called ‘Learn Live’. And we finish with a great story about his tattoos and heritage.
About this episode, and Laurent Bugnion in particular: you can find @LBugnion on Twitter, and GitHub. Check out his and his show and producing Learn Live. Also, you can read his blog here.
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