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Styling Your Next.js Web Application


Styling web applications is a crucial aspect of web development, as it directly impacts user experience and interface design. When it comes to building web applications with Next.js, developers have a variety of options for styling their projects. In this guide, I’ll explore different approaches to styling a Next.js web application, including CSS modules, styled-components, and Tailwind CSS.

Understanding Next.js and Styling

Before diving into styling techniques, let's briefly revisit Next.js and its benefits. Next.js is a React framework that allows developers to build server-side rendered and statically generated React applications with ease. It provides built-in features such as automatic code splitting, route pre-fetching, and optimized production builds, making it a powerful tool for building modern web applications.

Not 100 % sure about what React is and how to develop using React? Read more about it in this article.

When it comes to styling Next.js applications, you have the flexibility to choose from various methods based on your preferences and project requirements. Let's explore some of the popular styling approaches in Next.js:

1. CSS Modules

CSS Modules are a popular way of styling React applications, including those built with Next.js. CSS Modules allow developers to write modular CSS, where each component's styles are scoped locally by default, preventing style conflicts.

To use CSS Modules in a Next.js project, simply create CSS files alongside your React components and import them directly into your components. Next.js automatically handles CSS Modules, ensuring that styles are scoped locally to each component.


// Button.js
import styles from './Button.module.css';

const Button = () => (
  <button className={styles.button}>
    Click Me
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2. styled-components

styled-components is a popular CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write CSS directly within your JavaScript code using tagged template literals. This approach offers benefits such as component-based styling and dynamic styling based on props.

To use styled-components in a Next.js project, simply install the library and start defining styled components within your React components.


// Button.js
import styled from 'styled-components';

const StyledButton = styled.button`
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 5px;

const Button = () => (
    Click Me
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3. Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-built classes for styling elements. It offers a highly customizable and rapid development experience, allowing you to quickly style your components without writing custom CSS.

To use Tailwind CSS in a Next.js project, simply install the framework and configure it according to your project's requirements. You can then apply Tailwind CSS classes directly to your HTML elements within your React components.


// Button.js
const Button = () => (
  <button className="bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
    Click Me

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In conclusion, styling a Next.js web application offers a variety of options for you, ranging from traditional CSS approaches to modern CSS-in-JS solutions. Whether you prefer CSS Modules for modular styling, styled-components for component-based styling, or Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling, Next.js provides the flexibility to choose the approach that best suits your project's needs.

By incorporating these styling techniques into your Next.js projects, you can create visually stunning and user-friendly web applications that delight users and enhance their overall experience. Experiment with different styling methods and discover the one that works best for you. Happy styling!

For more information on Next.js and its features, check out this article.

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