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Bharat Singh Rajput
Bharat Singh Rajput

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Understanding how DOM tree constructed

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a hierarchical tree structure that represents the elements, attributes, and text content of an HTML or XML document. The DOM is essential for creating dynamic web pages and web applications that can interact with user input and respond to changes in real-time.

In this blog, we will dive into the process of how the DOM gets constructed and explore some examples of how to work with the DOM to manipulate web pages.

DOM Construction Process:

The process of constructing the DOM starts when the browser receives an HTML or XML document from a server. The browser then parses the document and creates a tree-like structure, with each element represented as a node in the tree.

The following are the steps involved in constructing the DOM:

  1. Parsing: The browser starts by parsing the HTML or XML document and breaking it down into a series of tokens.

  2. Tokenizing: The tokens are then organized into a tree-like structure based on their relationships to each other, forming the DOM tree.

  3. Building the tree: The DOM tree is constructed by creating nodes for each element in the document. Each node represents an HTML or XML element, including its attributes and content.

  4. Parent-child relationship: The nodes are then arranged in a parent-child relationship, with each node's parent being the node that contains it.

  5. Finalizing: The DOM construction process ends when the entire document has been parsed, tokenized, and organized into a tree-like structure.

Let's look at an example to better understand how the DOM construction process works:

Image description

When the browser receives this HTML document, it starts by parsing it into a series of tokens. The tokens are then organized into a tree-like structure based on their

relationships to each other, forming the DOM tree:

Image description

In this example, the root node of the DOM tree is the html element, with head and body elements as its children. The head element contains a title element as its child, and the body element contains an h1, p, and ul element as its children. The ul element contains three li elements as its children.

Once the DOM tree is constructed, it can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript. This allows developers to add, remove, or modify elements and their attributes and content dynamically in response to user actions or other events.


The Document Object Model (DOM) is a hierarchical tree structure that represents the elements, attributes, and text content of an HTML or XML document. The DOM construction process starts with parsing the document and creating a tree-like structure, with each element represented as a node in the tree. Understanding how the DOM gets constructed is essential for creating dynamic web pages and

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