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Ade Tunmise
Ade Tunmise

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25 Tech Terms Every Tech Beginner Should Know.

The decision to venture into tech can be sometimes overwhelming as tech encompasses vast roles and concepts and This article provides clear definitions of some common terms you might encounter on your tech journey.

Application Programming Interface(API)

An API allows 2 computer software to exchange information. It contains rules and protocols that enables computers to talk to each other. Like sending a package(information) to a friend, you would send the package to the post office(API) and the post office would get the package to your friend(other software). A payment API like PayPal API helps with transactions. Spotify API also helps with playlists and streams.


A framework that is not entirely similar to a building framework makes the development of an application easier by offering a base to developers, designers, data scientists , project managers and business analysts to build a project, application, or system. Frameworks are usually reusable, compatible, and secure. Some frameworks contain tools, code, libraries, templates, and APIs that can enhance the development of the project. Software development frameworks include

  • NodeJS
  • Django
  • React Native

Data analysis and science frameworks :

  • Pandas
  • NumPy

Business and management frameworks:

  • Lean
  • Six Sigma

Design and UX Frameworks

  • Sketch
  • Figma

Programming language

Programming languages are a set of written instructions given to a computer by a programmer to perform a particular task. There are a number of programming languages used in the tech world. HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is used for building a website. CSS(cascading style sheets) is used to customize the design and style of the website. JavaScript is used to allow interactive content such as animations, multimedia, and pop-up menus. SQL(Structured query language) is a programming language used to manage data.

Open source:

Originally known as OSS (open source software) the name suggests is a code made open to anyone to see, edit, and distribute as opposed to closed source projects which are exclusive to its owner. It helps interested users to learn and make better codes from them. VLC Media player, Mozilla Firefox, Linux are popular examples of open source projects.


Algorithms are steps taken by the computer to perform a task or solve a problem. Algorithms and Code shouldn’t mixed up as code is the language the computer uses to perform the task. In a recipe book, the steps taken to make a dish are the algorithm and the type of language the book is written is the code.

Front End Development

It is the development of an interactive and graphic user interface that allows users to interact with the content on their screens. Front-end development uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create elements that users can engage with.

Back End Development

The back end on the other hand works behind the scenes. It focuses on the development of server-side software that contains everything you don’t see on a website. Back-end development uses programming languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript C#, and SQL. Taking the human body as an example, the front end is the skin senses and physical appearance (user experience) and the back end is the organs, nervous system, and immune system (logic and functionality)

Full stack development involves the development both front and back end development.


A Wireframe is a structure or arrangement that defines the structure of a website or an application. Wireframes offer the layout, content, and functionality on a screen that takes into account the user’s journey and needs.


A prototype is an interactive model or mock-up of a product. It is used to test design ideas until it resembles the ultimate product.


Blockchain is a well-guarded link of data that allows businesses to record transactions, store information, and exchange assets between computer systems. It is mostly in use with cryptocurrencies and transactions that involve verification and traceability. A Blockchain API allows developers to interact with Blockchain.

Embedded System:

It is a combination of computer hardware and software that work together to perform a specific function. It consists of a processor, memory, and input/output functions that create a specialized system. Embedded systems are very involved in our day-to-day life to perform specific tasks. Examples are smartwatches, fitness trackers, calculators, washing machines, and Air conditioning systems.

Big Data

Big data refers to a large and diverse amount of data that continues to expand over time. Companies make use of Big data to gain information and insights by analyzing different data sources to increase revenue and profit and improve customer services and operational efficiency.

AI(Artificial Intelligence):

Artificial Intelligence is the technology that allows computers and machines to stimulate human learning. Artificial Intelligence is the ability of computers to reason like humans. It allows Computers to think, solve problems, and make decisions on a human level.

Machine Learning.

It is a branch of AI that is centered on the development of algorithms and data to enable AI to mimic the way humans learn, progressively improving its validity. In this context, Machine learning is like an apprentice, learning from a master (data) and improving performance over time.


A Database is an arranged collection of data that is stored in a computer system. You can define “database” as a Map where locations(data) are stored and can be easily navigated or accessed.

Search Engine

A search engine is a software system that allows people to find the information they want on the internet. Search engines provide links to relevant information on the Web in response to the user’s question. Examples are Google, Yahoo, Bing, Naver

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

SEO is the process of improving a website’s search engine visibility. The rank on the first page of Google results for search terms that mean most to the target audience explains how SEO works with search engines.


DevOps connects Dev (Development) and Ops(Operations) to ensure efficiency in improving the work of software development and increased business value. DevOps brings people, processes, and technology together to provide continual value.


The cache is an area of the computer system that Is used to temporarily store data so that the data can be accessed faster when requested in the future. It helps reduce network traffic and reduces database costs. Cache takes up space you could use for other things so clearing up cache is a good option if your device’s storage is too full.


An internet cookie is used to store browsing information by websites to remember your device and your recent activities so it would be easier to navigate when you revisit the website.

Version Control

VC is a system used to track changes in data, documents, designs, and mostly code. It helps developers collaborate, makes sure that everyone on the team is working on the latest version of the file, and, most importantly, makes sure that all these people can work simultaneously on the same project.


A cloud is referred to as a term used for a network of remote servers each with a unique function and access through the internet used to store, manage, and process data. Cloud Storage Devices like Google Photos (Google Drive), iCloud, and OneDrive automatically backup and store your data(images, videos, and documents) to ensure accessibility, collaboration, and data protection. If your data is successfully backed up in the cloud, you can recover it in case of any errors.

Web Domain

It is a unique string identifying a website or online resource. A domain is an address you type into a web browser when using the internet. For example,,

Web server

A web server is a computer device or program that receives and processes data requests from clients. Like a customer(laptop,phones and tablets) places order(requests) and a waiter/waitress (server)
takes order and delivers food(data). Apache is a popular server


A Tech stack is a collection of frameworks, programming languages, databases, tools, and technologies used to build digital products like websites or applications. Most tech stacks are a combination of front-end and back-end technologies like JavaScript (user interface), Python (programming language), MongoDB (database), and Apache (server).

Thanks for reading.

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