DEV Community

Birk Jernström
Birk Jernström

Posted on

I'm pledging $30K to open source. Which efforts need support?

I'm a self-taught developer since the late 90s which is a phrase I honestly wouldn't have been able to say had it not been for open source.

I absolutely love the OSS ecosystem and am eternally grateful for what it has offered me and effectively the career it has enabled. Therefore, earlier this month I sent out a tweet pledging $30K of my savings toward impactful open source efforts that maintainers want or are pursuing.

I'm starting with efforts around education ($10K). Everything from updating docs, translating them to creating educational materials around OSS initiatives. Or software for education itself which is OSS.

I've been looking at GitHub Issues with labels such as "docs", chatting with a few maintainers about upcoming efforts and more. However, I would also greatly appreciate suggestions from the community.

So if you know of any outstanding issues/efforts around improving education surrounding the OSS libraries you use and like, I'd greatly appreciate your recommendations and links to such GitHub issues or equivalent. Thank you :)

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