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What future does the blockchain community India holds?

Blockchain Community India (BCI) is building a community that will revolutionise how traditional businesses use technology. As they intend to bring AI and Blockchain into business activities such as
payment gateways, administration systems and much more. As we know that 2020 resulted in shutdown of many businesses and that all businesses learnt that technology is the new normal which means
that more and more businesses want to bring technologies into their functioning and make sure that they can do business from anywhere to anywhere. In such a situation BCI can play a crucial role and thus captivating the opportunity they will bring more businesses into their network.

Currently in India there is a spike in demand for blockchain technologies from Finance, insurance, supply chain sectors who want to build very secure systems from tracking payments and other activities. Even the government organisations like RBI also emphasized on how blockchain technologies can be used to
track frauds and prevent malicious activities in the system which means the government is also welcoming such technologies into their system.
There are few more sectors which will definitely bloom in the coming years:

  1. For Securing Data Online: Since data in the blockchain is not stored in a central place but rather in a systematic decentralised system, it is impossible to manipulate or hack data and hence in the future Blockchain will be used to store and secure the data.
  2. Transparent Administration: Blockchain will be used to administer the organizations well. All the data about the employee or different stakeholders can be stored and shared in a public forum which makes access to the information very feasible.
  3. Protecting Intellectual property rights: Intellectual property rights is very much discussed in today's time as more and more people become part of the virtual world. Using blockchain technologies any content creator can track where their content has been used and this will help them protect their content from misuse. Apart from that blockchain will flourish in health, education, hospitality and many more sectors manage the data and much more.

In this phase of transformation of the business sector and bringing digitalization. The application of Blockchain Technology is one of the most innovative and exciting. Which is said to shake the global level scenario. The Blockchain Technology is gaining attention of even the smallest size of producer in India too. The system is attractive and efficient as there is no central power. It transfers power and control from large entities to the many, enabling safe, fast, cheaper transactions in a completely transparent manner. Since, the Blockchain Technology is being seen as an infrastructural need of Indian industries to compete in the global market, hence it means that this will become almost a compulsion which means that the business will look at it as a good investment to grow, rather than expense.

Blockchain Community India plays a crucial role in systematic development of such technologies which are ready to use and enable more and more businesses to become technologically advanced. Apart from that BCI also focuses on creating awareness about such technologies so that businesses are secured from frauds and other malicious activities and also enable more youngsters to join the community and become an asset to the community. Hence BCI will work as a mediator for all the businesses and create a wholesome community which will give all the businesses to engage in discussions and solve problems with ease and further create more opportunities by sharing resources. Hence this is the best time to
become part of the revolution and experience it up close.

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