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Brandon Macer
Brandon Macer

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TIL: from cerberus import Validator

Today I learned about Validator, a class in the Python third-party module cerberus.

Here we go.

Let's import this bugger.

from cerberus import Validator

Dang that felt good. Obviously we would need to have installed it first so let me back up and get my pip on.

py -m pip install cerberus

Oh yeah, that's the stuff. Not sure why I call my Python py, but don't hate. Or wait, this is the internet. Proceed.

Alright so we're going, we're rolling, what's next. Instantiate that Cool Hand Luke.

>>> v = Validator()
>>> v
<cerberus.validator.Validator object at 0x7fa7df93f760>

Boom, we got the goods. Whatcha hiding in there, kitten?

>>> dir(v)
['_BareValidator__get_rule_handler', '_BareValidator__init_error_handler', '_BareValidator__init_processing', ... plus a billion more

Dang, you're not gonna make me read the documentation are you? You, sonofa...

>>> list(filter(lambda i: not i.startswith("_"), dir(v)))
['allow_unknown', 'checkers', 'clear_caches', 'coercers', 'default_setters', 'document', 'document_error_tree', 'document_path', 'error_handler', 'errors', 'ignore_none_values', 'is_child', 'mandatory_validations', 'normalization_rules', 'normalized', 'priority_validations', 'purge_readonly', 'purge_unknown', 'recent_error', 'require_all', 'root_allow_unknown', 'root_document', 'root_require_all', 'root_schema', 'rules', 'rules_set_registry', 'schema', 'schema_error_tree', 'schema_path', 'schema_registry', 'types', 'types_mapping', 'update', 'validate', 'validated', 'validation_rules']

Aha, sucka! What have we here, what have we here...

We're gonna validate some shtuff. Let's do this. I'm ready.

>>> shtuff_to_validate = {
...     "awesome": "effyeah",
...     "animal": "tiny turtle"
... }

Heck yeah I love turtles.

Let's validate that shtuff.

>>> v.validate(shtuff_to_validate)

False? Get that out of my face. False. Turtles are awesome.

>>> v.errors
{'animal': ['unknown field'], 'awesome': ['unknown field']}

Unknown field? Well dang, I'm sorry, let me introduce you. Field, turtle. Turtle, field.

Validator McGee likes a schema, so we'll give 'em a schemadema.

>>> schemadema = {"awesome": {}, "animal": {}}

Let's try this again.

Oh wait I gotta tell it the schema is the schema. Lemme do that right quick here.

>>> v.schema = schemadema

Here goes. Turtles, your time to shine.

>>> v.validate(shtuff_to_validate)


Boom. Turtles are awesome.

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