- ls — List directory contents
- pwd — Print working directory
- cat — Concatenate and display files
- touch — Create an empty file
- cp — Copy files and directories
- mv — Move or rename files and directories
- rm — Remove files and directories
- mkdir — Create a new directory
- rmdir — Remove an empty directory
- cut — Cut out sections of a file
- gzip — Compress or decompress files using gzip
- gunzip — Decompress files compressed with gzip
- find — Find files and directories matching a pattern
- grep — Search for a pattern in a file
- awk — Pattern scanning and processing language
- sed — Stream editor for filtering and transforming text
- head — Display the first few lines of a file
- tail — Display the last few lines of a file
- sort — Sort lines of a file
- uniq — Remove duplicate lines from a file
- wc — Count lines, words, and characters in a file
- diff — Compare two files line by line
- patch — Apply a patch to a file
- chmod — Change permissions of files and directories
- chown — Change the owner of a file or directory
- chgrp — Change the group ownership of a file or directory
- ps — List running processes
- top — Display system resource usage and process information
- kill — Send a signal to a process to terminate it
- du — Display disk usage of files and directories
- df — Display free disk space on the file system
- mount — Mount a file system
- umount — Unmount a file system
- ping — Test connectivity to a network host
- ssh — Secure shell remote login and command execution
- scp — Secure copy files between hosts
- rsync — Remote file and directory synchronization
- curl — Transfer data from or to a server using various protocols
- wget — Retrieve files from the web using various protocols
- ftp — File Transfer Protocol client
- sftp — Secure File Transfer Protocol client
- telnet — Telnet client
- nslookup — DNS lookup utility
- dig — DNS lookup utility
- netstat — Display network connections and statistics
- ifconfig — Configure network interfaces
- route — Display or modify the routing table
- iptables — Firewall and packet filtering utility
- hostname — Display or set the hostname of the system
- date — Display or set the system date and time
- timedatectl — Control the system date and time
- uname — Display system information
- whoami — Display the current user ID
- id — Display user and group information
- su — Switch user to become another user
- sudo — Execute a command with superuser privileges
- passwd — Change the password of a user account
- useradd — Create a new user account
- userdel — Delete a user account
- usermod — Modify a user account
- groupadd — Create a new group
- groupdel — Delete a group
- groupmod — Modify a group
- finger — Display information about users on the system
- last — Display information about recent logins
- history — Display command history
- echo — Print a message to the terminal
- printf — Format and print data
- lshw — Displays hardware information
- lspci — Displays information about PCI buses and devices.
- lsusb — Displays information about USB buses and devices.
- hwinfo — Displays detailed hardware information.
- free — Displays memory usage.
- vmstat — Displays system memory, processor, and I/O statistics.
- iostat — Displays CPU and disk I/O statistics.
- uptime — Displays system uptime and load averages.
- journalctl — Displays the system journal.
- dmesg — Displays the kernel ring buffer.
- crontab — Schedules recurring tasks.
- at — Schedules a one-time task.
- service — Manages system services.
- systemctl — Controls system services in systemd-based distributions.
- traceroute — Traces the network path to a remote host.
- bzip2 — Compresses files using the bzip2 algorithm.
- unzip — Extracts files from a ZIP archive.
- tee — Redirect output to multiple files
- chroot — Change the root directory for a process
- ps aux — Display information about all running processes
- less — Display file contents in a paginated format
- more — Display file contents one page at a time
- ln — Create links between files
- realpath — Print the resolved absolute path of a file
- watch — Execute a command periodically and display the output
- cal — Display a calendar
- tar -xzvf — Extract files from a compressed archive
- tar -czvf — Create a compressed archive
- whereis — Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
- locate — Find files by name
- which — Display the full path to an executable
- 21

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