In this show I talk about how I am saving ~$1200 on yearly bank fees.
Also, I share some lessons on what I have learned so far running Claritask and having this podcast as well as some advice on if you should run a B2B or B2C product.
Another thing that has been going around lately is how much transparency is more than necessary? Does it do any good or it's just for high fives we get from our supporters
Other points:
- How I can't work well when working on two projects at once (Claritask and client work)
- Next improvements on Claritask
- How I work and my way of working to Basecamp
- by Shawn Inman — Shawn is offering a 30-minute free consultation wanting to help with a pressing challenge (technical or not) that you are facing in your bootstrapped product/startup. Hurry up, his weekly slots are limited.
- by Paul Metcalfe — Paul hand picks the best podcast episodes in founder stories, growth marketing, sales, funding and sends them your way every Monday and Tuesday in a quick easy to digest Newsletter. Sign up for free to get on Paul's bi-weekly newsletter.