DEV Community

It’s 2022, Don’t Use the console.log() Anymore 😎

Braincuber Technologies on April 07, 2022

We as JavaScript developers usually use console.log() to test the output or just for fun. Even I can bet that our (including mine) first code was “...
jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

You say "don't use console.log" and then proceed to do exactly that

nicolasdanelon profile image
Nicolás Danelón


jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster 🔥

What you actually want is

const l = (...args) => console.log(...args)
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because you might pass multiple arguments to console.log:

l('foo', 'bar') // foo bar
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but what you really want is this:

const createLog = ({ name }) => {
  const logName = `[${name}]:`
  return (...args) => console.log(logName, ...args)
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which allows you to prefix logs with some contextual scope:

const log = createLog({ name: 'foo' })
log('bar', 'baz') // [foo]: bar baz
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you can easily extend this function to add some type argument to use warn, debug or error instead .

nicolasdanelon profile image
Nicolás Danelón

this is the way

topolanekmartin profile image
Martin Topolanek

In addition you can check for dev mode in that function. Something like: process.env === 'development'.

pedrohenriquebr profile image

Amazing 🤩

skinnypetethegiraffe profile image
Bobby Plunkett

By aliasing console.log you gain nothing, shortening the name to a single letter is bad practice (you want names to have meaning), and honestly, this adds unneeded complexity to the code (which isn't much, but everything adds up).

If you want a better logging solution look into actual logging libraries such as pino or winston, and if they don't have the features you need, you can use them as a reference when writing a new solution.

I do like the idea of modules, just trying to find the best place to apply them is sometimes difficult, and I do not believe console.log is one of those places if you're not extending functionality.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

I'm just going to say that there are snippet plugins where you type clg and it suggest you to convert it to an actual console.log('first') statement plus with the word "first" selected so you can easily type your identifier + what you want to log like console.log('user', user); pretty simple, huh?

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

const l = (arg) => console.log(arg) could be written more simply as const l = console.log

You're talking about saving a few keypresses to make somthing a little more opaque, but then in your next example, you've called it log which is back up to three characters.

martialseron profile image
Martial Séron

Most useless article ever.
And your monkey patch function isn't even working the same way than console.log()


brunozampieri1985 profile image

My God... This was the most nasty clickbait I've ever clicked before

khalidsaifullahfuad profile image
Khalid Saifullah Fuad

Clickbait 😡. Is there a way to downvote an article in DEV??

rajeshroyal profile image
Rajesh Royal

Cheap marketing, dev ko to baksh do. Dusra medium bana daaloge.

yachelee profile image
Yache Li

Use "debugger;" is much better...

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

You do know that console.log supports an arbitrary number of arguments. If you want to shorten the statement, use

const log = console.log.bind(console);
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chris2kus31 profile image
Chuy Moreno

Hmm 🤔 I swear I just read to not use console.log but only console.log. What a twist 🙂

frankwisniewski profile image
Frank Wisniewski

why console.log ?
set a breakpoint and monitor the variable in the developer tools...

jmsalazardev profile image
José Migue Salazar

Use loglevel and don't waste your time reading this post.