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Angular Update Guide does not work

I am trying to update my angular project from 7 to 8 (eventually I want to update to the latest). Following the Angular Update Guide here gives the following error after invoking the first command instruction cmd /C "set "NG_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK=1" && npx @angular/cli@8 update @angular/cli@8 @angular/core@8"

npm ERR! notsup Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.3.2: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
npm ERR! notsup Valid OS: darwin
npm ERR! notsup Valid Arch: any
npm ERR! notsup Actual OS: win32
npm ERR! notsup Actual Arch: x64

and quits.

My package.json file is updated but package-lock.json is not. There is no help in the instructions about what to do when things go wrong. I have tried different variants and there are always conflicts - not in the code but the node-modules dependencies; usually conflicting angular dependencies.

How does one actually do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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