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Virtual Hackathon Experience @ Hack the Mountains- last year

Here, I state my experience faced during last year's hack the mountain hackathon.

To be very fair, it is one of the very few large scale hackathons which allow hybrid mode participation, thus being extremely exclusive, even for people who might have issues travelling to the actual venue & enjoy the benefits.

Being a student who had absolutely no permission from home to venture out of the state for a hackathon,(abba nahi manenge) this was the perfect opportunity to experience a MLH hosted hackathon (believe me, mlh hosted ones are of a different level, you should not be missing out on it anyway, it will be some of the best hours of your lifetime if you are interested in building soft+hardware), at the comfort of my home.

Every year, it offers generous prizes for both offline & online tracks, for which, it has always been a joy to participate in.

The schedule is closely followed, & there are quizzes & fun competitions in between held in discord. If you are online & happen to top one of those mini challenges, you will get your well deserved prize surely-as a past winner, can completely guarantee that!

Apart from all these, the discord can turn out to be a pandora's box; as you can interact with sponsors, & connect with people dropping their deets in the introduction channel (you can do so as well, it doesnt cost a bit to enhance your connections, aint it?)

Who knows, you can bag some extra bingo just by interacting with people? (Just do it, dont shy away!) I mean, I tried this out & I found it quite helpful (way to get hundreds of views on your profile hehehe)

On an overall, this is an opportunity that you cant miss, especially if you are an aspiring tech enthusiast.

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