DEV Community

Gabriel Vaquer
Gabriel Vaquer

Posted on

Can you make it even smaller?

I have this pubsub implementation and I was just curious about how would you reduce it any further.

I'm talking about the implementation, not the TypeScript part.

type Observer<T> = (payload: T) => void;

export interface Publer<T> {
  subscribe<K extends keyof T>(
    channel: K,
    observer: Observer<T[K]>,
  ): () => void;
  unsubscribe<K extends keyof T>(channel?: K): void;
  publish<K extends keyof T>(
    channel: K,
    ...a: T[K] extends undefined ? [] : [T[K]]
  ): void;

export const publer = <T>(): Publer<T> => {
  const eventMap = new Map<keyof T, Set<Observer<any>>>();

  return {
    subscribe: (channel, observer) =>
      (eventMap.get(channel)?.add(observer) ||
        eventMap.set(channel, new Set([observer]))) &&
      (() => eventMap.get(channel)?.delete(observer)),
    unsubscribe: (channel) =>
      channel ? eventMap.get(channel)?.clear() : eventMap.clear(),
    publish: (channel, ...[payload]) =>
      eventMap.get(channel)?.forEach((observer) => observer(payload)),
  } as const;
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This is the smallest way I could come up with.

interface Events {
  login: { token: string }

const pubsub = publer<Events>();

const unsubscribe = pubsub.subscribe('login', ({ token }) => {
  // Payload is inferred based on the event name

// Payload is required based on event name
pubsub.publish('login', { token: "ABC" });
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I would love to see what other ways to make it even smaller you guys think of. Cheers!

Oldest comments (2)

valeriavg profile image
Valeria • Edited
  • Having subscriber return unsubscribe function can simplify the unsubscribe logic since all the needed pointers can be accessed within the closure (which you do already). And I kinda like that pubsub will only return pub and sub:-)
  • If channel is always a string it can be a bit smaller if one uses pure objects instead of map to store channel observers.
  • Furthermore, one could return a tuple of [pub,sub] instead of object with named properties

But, honestly, I'm not sure why it needs to be smaller, apart from the obvious challenge:-)
Looks good the way it is

brielov profile image
Gabriel Vaquer • Edited

Nice! I took on your suggestion regarding the tuple and now it weights 150 bytes gzipped having removed the "global" unsubscribe function, leaving only the unsubscribe from subscribe.

export const publer = <T>(): PublerTuple<T, keyof T> => {
  const eventMap = new Map<keyof T, Set<Observer<any>>>();
  return [
    (channel, ...[payload]) =>
      eventMap.get(channel)?.forEach((observer) => observer(payload)),
    (channel, observer) =>
      (eventMap.get(channel)?.add(observer) ||
        eventMap.set(channel, new Set([observer]))) &&
      (() => eventMap.get(channel)?.delete(observer)),

interface Events {
  login: { token: string }

const [pub, sub] = publer<Events>()
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I didn't swap the Map with the plain object because I'd need to get rid of the subscribe one-liner.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback. The reason I asked here is because publer is a real package on NPM and I'm kinda obsessed about releasing the smallest possible code without loosing functionality.