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Harris brown
Harris brown

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Protect Your Eyes From Computer Screen

Do your eyes strain and burn when you spend extended periods of time staring at the computer monitor or reading in bed at night?

If you are among the countless numbers of people who experience this problem, then it’s important to look into ways to relieve it.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) occurs when people who spend long periods of time working with a computer screen have an increased risk of developing eye strain and other symptoms.

Symptoms include eye pain, redness, sensitivity to light, headaches, blurry vision and difficulty focusing.
CVS can lead to a decrease in productivity, lower self-esteem and an overall negative impact on quality of life. By preventing or treating CVS, people can return to their normal lives and work.

A study in the journal BMC Ophthalmology found that people who wore computer screens all day had significantly higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who weren’t staring at a screen all day.

While it isn’t a direct correlation, the researchers hypothesized that the stress hormone is a response to having to focus for hours on end.

Because these days, our computers are in almost every aspect of our lives — from our phones to our tablets to our laptops — it’s important to take steps to protect our eyes, and our brains, from the effects of extended screen time.

Thats why it is always recomended to buy a monitor with eye care technology.

What is an Eye Strain?

The more you use your eyes, the better your vision will become. Your eyes have natural muscles that relax when they aren't being used.

When you sit down at a desk all day, those muscles can become tight and strained. In addition, you could be looking at a screen for extended periods of time.

To relieve this strain and avoid straining your eyes, it is recommended to keep a 20-20-20 rule.

Make sure you spend 20% of the time looking up from your screen, 20% of the time looking down at the screen, and 20% of the time looking at the objects in front of you.

If you’re having problems reading because your eyes feel tired, you can take a break and then resume reading. However, if you’re experiencing a headache or have a sore throat, see your doctor immediately.

Also, if the symptoms persist, contact your optometrist or contact your eye doctor.

Do Screens Affect Your Eyes?

As our eyes age, they begin to change in ways that can cause headaches, fatigue, eye strain, and even vision loss.

Eye strain, which causes eyestrain, happens when your eyes have to work harder to see clearly due to your screen, and can even lead to temporary blindness.

While there isn’t a cure for this particular ailment, there are ways to minimize your symptoms.

Some of the most common include: Using a computer in a place where there is no glare; using screen savers to relax your eyes; and using color contrast, anti-glare, or glare-free screen covers.

“Digital eye strain” is the term used to describe eyestrain caused by prolonged computer use. It’s most often experienced by people who spend long hours in front of a computer screen (as opposed to reading a book, watching TV, etc.).

While many people might not even realize they are experiencing eye strain while sitting at a desk with a computer monitor, or while playing a video game, others might experience a burning or irritating sensation in their eyes. Some people even report blurry vision or seeing black dots on their computer screen.

Consult A Eye Doctor

If you are suffering eye strain and are not finding relief from the above solutions, it may be time to see your eye doctor. If this is your case, you need to start looking for the cause of the issue.

One of the causes of eye strain may be your computer monitor. Monitor glare is caused by light bouncing off of your screen and directly into your eyes. In extreme cases, this can even cause headaches.

Other causes of eye strain include: staring at a computer screen for a long period of time, working on a laptop for an extended period of time, or wearing contact lenses that have a poor prescription.

In some cases, your eye doctor can recommend a specific treatment plan to help alleviate eye strain. However, if your eye strain is causing

About Author: Harris Brown
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