DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v98

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They Call Me Wolf • Edited

Hi coders I’m Bruno, a 41 years old Portuguese dude that is learning web development for 2 years with the vision of becoming a coder + designer.
I’ve spent the last school year validating if I have in me what it needs to learn this new skill by attending a one year web development professional course and guess what? I’ve overcome my expectations by becoming the best in class. And don’t get me wrong. I’m aware of what I still need to learn and practice and crawl, before walk with the dream of running. Currently I’m attending a second course focused on nodeJS, reactJS and react native stack. It’s an intense next step that I believe will give me a good knowledge of this stack and also other fundamentals like SOLID principles.
Whel, long story short I’ve reborn and landed here at this community by a random link, checked a couple of articles and I’m feeling that I’ll came here on regular basis.
Are you still reading me? Uff! You are a brave coder.
Any opinions and tips are more than welcome.
And stay safe while they debug this world.
All the best from Lisbon

Bruno aka They Call Me Wolf