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Database Design

Today we focused on database design, specifically exploring the concepts that drive relational databases.

What's a relational database?

It's a collection of tables storing different data pieces that refer to one another to form a complete picture of something. By referencing other tables, we can stick to one value per field design principles while adding organized complexity to our entries.


Today, we used a film database as an example. This database had tables for films, actors, and directors.

You can't just include a list of every actor in a movie in the films table, so you need a way to keep track of each film's cast. This is where a one-to-many join table comes into play.

You can create a table where each record is a film ID, an actor's ID, and the name of the role they played. A query to this table can then return each actor ID matched with a single film's ID and provide a comprehensive list of every actor in that film.

This way, you can keep track of the dozens of actors that make up a film's cast without bogging down every table.


This form of database design applies to SQL, it's been a while since I've studied SQL, so it was nice to get a refresher.

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