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Learn Java: Java Programming Concepts that Must be understood

Java Tutorials for Beginners
Have you ever thought:

"How are computer programs created?"

“How do computers execute programs?”

If, yes.. then this is the article you must read.

On this occasion, we will discuss from the basics.

So that you will understand the concept of programming.

Be it in Java, or any other programming language.


Let's start…

What is Programming?
Programming is the process of creating computer programs .

So, any activity that you do to create a program is called programming or programming .

Typically these activities include:

Analysis (problem analysis);
Making Algorithms or Solutions;
Coding (Implementation of algorithms into programming languages).
Many people make mistakes when they first start learning programming.

They learn coding first, without knowing how to analyze and create algorithms.

Whereas coding is the final stage of programming.

As John Johnson said:

"First, solve the problem, then code it"

Many people can code , but don't know what to do, and even have trouble making their own programs. This could be because he just learned to code .

Therefore, it is good to learn Algoirtma and computational thinking first before starting to learn coding .

Algorithm is a branch of mathematics that teaches us to think logically to solve problems.

At least, after learning algorithms... you can create your own solutions to the problems you want to solve.

After that, the next step is coding with a programming language.

How Do Computers Execute Programs?
Computer programs are made in a programming language. Programming languages ​​generally use English. This language is easy for humans to understand. But the computer can not understand.

Computers can only understand signals 10101010, because computers are electronic circuits that can only live on electricity. This signal is also called a digital pendaftaran merek signal.

Digital Signal
The numbers 1indicate the signal is on, while the signal is 0dead.

Or we can say.

1 = on
0 = off
This signal will be processed by the processor and will generate electricity in the motherboard circuit .

Intel 4004 CPU simulation (source:
Simulation CPU Intel 4004 (source: pixeljoint . Com )
so the computer will be able to do things like display text to the screen, play music, print documents, and so on.


Humans cannot provide a direct signal in the form 10101010to the processor. Therefore, assembly language was created .

Assembly language is an assembly language made from mnemonic code or symbol code.


For the command to print letters Ato the screen, the symbol code is that mov 041,ahlater this code will be converted by the assembler into 10010011.

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