Jon and Justin reflect on 2021 and get excited about 2022:
- Rework podcast episode: the word "startup"
- Should we rename the show "Maintain your SaaS"? ;)
- Biggest highlights: hiring Helen and Jason
- Giving employees generous bonuses
- Justin's list of non-alcoholic drinks
- Captivate (one of our competitors) was just acquired
- Different types of founder stress
- Should we sell our company? Our friends at Rewardful were just acquired
- Plans and features for 2022
What happened in 2021?
- January: Clubhouse got popular
- March 2021: send private podcast episodes by email
- April 2021: we hired Helen
- April-May: new API updates (analytics)
- July: new podcast analytics charts + compare episodes
- July: add transcripts to episodes
- August 2021: we hired Jason
- Sept: first release of DAI
- Oct: Descript integration
- Nov: DAI mid-rolls
- Black Friday. Worth it?
- Riverside integration
What should we talk about next?
- Twitter: @buildyoursaas, @mijustin, @jonbuda
- Leave a review/comment on Podchaser; it's like Reddit, but for podcasts.
- Email us:
Thanks to our monthly supporters:
- Marcel Fahle,
- Anton Zorin from
- Mitch
- Harris Kenny, Intro CRM podcast
- Oleg Kulyk
- Violette Du Geneville
- Take It EV podcast
- Ethan Gunderson
- Diogo
- Chris Willow
- Borja Soler
- Ward Sandler, Memberspace
- Eric Lima
- James Sowers (like Flowers)
- Travis Fischer
- Matt Buckley
- Russell Brown
- Evandro Sasse
- Pradyumna Shembekar (PD)
- Noah Prail
- Colin Gray
- Josh Smith
- Ivan Curkovic
- Shane Smith
- Austin Loveless
- Simon Bennett
- Michael Sitver
- Paul Jarvis and Jack Ellis,
- Dan Buda
- Darby Frey
- Samori Augusto
- Dave Young
- Brad from Canada
- Sammy Schuckert
- Mike Walker
- Adam DuVander
- Dave Giunta (JOOnta)
- Kyle Fox
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