DEV Community

Discussion on: Developer Procrastination

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Adam Nathaniel Davis

Thank you! And I LOVE the feedback! You've alluded to a few great points that I didn't thoroughly cover in my post (cuz let's face it, it was already a long post).

First, I'm talking about the point of: discomfort/fear that can originate from "structural" challenges with our employer/client/project/etc. You could be The Greatest Programmer Who Ever Lived, but when faced with a dysfunctional employer/client/project/etc, it's easy to find those Herculean qualities being "squashed". In the long term, I'd gently suggest that such problems are "on us". Because, in the long term, we ultimately need to strive to put ourselves in better situations. But in the short term, we often find ourselves facing environmental situations that we can't control and couldn't have reasonably been expected to foresee.

Second, although it's obviously wonderful to have "senior-level" skills, sometimes those same skills can be a kind of enabling crutch. In other words, maybe Task X usually takes anyone else on your team a week to complete. And you know damn well that you are perfectly capable of cranking out that sucker in a few days. But... you're hating the employer/client/project/etc, and you know that, in your current environment, you can probably "get away" with taking the full week to complete the task. So... that's exactly what you do. In other words, it looks, to the untrained eye, like you're working just fine - right inline with the standards that have already been set by the team. But if you're honest with yourself, YOU know that you could be cranking out that code much faster - and with the same-or-better quality. The fact that you don't is a kinda "stealth procrastination".

And as I've tried to make clear in the original post, I'm definitely not pointing any fingers here. I've done this. Too often...