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Visual Studio 2022 is here✅ (5 features that you will love)

ByteHide on July 27, 2021

We have already reached the middle of the year 2021 and Microsoft does not leave for tomorrow what it can announce today. From the hand of CVP Aman...
jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

I'm a big VS fan: however I see this as a ho-hum release.

All the Maui hype must stand on its own, as MSFT throws entire frameworks and adopters under the buss all the time. And XAML lost the war after MSFT abandoned huge parts of it 10 years ago. I mean didn't they show us that Electron is king today?

Add to that all the hype of Razor (10 years too late).

Some new Icons and a font.

Not much here than another feeble attempt to patch together the horrible fragmented environment they created in the rush to get to Azure.

You aren't serious though are you Microsoft, you have hot reload now?

truebzyq profile image
Pawel • Edited

The problem with Electron is... Javascript. Believe me this is one of the worst programming language ever. Why people are writing right now everything in Javascript? Electorn for window apps, React Native for mobile apps etc? I don't know, maybe because they are thinking that its easy? But in the end this is really hard to write language. With all this == and === and ... etc. That cause bunch of bugs because simply it has got so many rules and edgecases and special signs that in the end its hard to not make a bug. And the other thing is performence. JAvascript is the programming language like a virus and i hope that someday someone will deliver a medicine for this virus

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

It could be argued writing to a browser interface is way easier than learning XAML and the windows cluster f--k. Don't even mention C++ and windows.

Learning .net windows programming takes a very long time. I've been doing it for 20 years.

Learning Dom based on HTML far easier.

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truebzyq profile image

Well it is defienetly not true. What is hard to understand in XAML? Bindings? This is the only difference between XAML and HTML, it is still markup language, this is not a "programming language". The other difference that i can see are threads, and yes this is hard to understand but how you would like to write electron windows app without knowing threads? Everything in one thread? What about testability? what about MVVM? Should we use dumm programming language because we don't have skilled programmers? Should we allow not-skilled programmers write code for cars, plains, rockets, or for our private mobile phones? Should we allow people without driving licence, drive a car? If wirting Javascript is easier (only at start) it means that we should allow to make everything in this crap?

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković • Edited


And there are bunch of other cross-platform options for desktop development. You don't even need to use C++ - you can use Rust or Java or some other language depending on the needs of your project. Tauri is a good Rust solution which doesn't use Chrome instances like Electron but webviews. You can use HTML, CSS and JS and do performance intensive parts in Rust.

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jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

I've done XAML since release 1.0 that's around 20 years now. I also worked front-end for 10 years. Apart from the fact that Javascript dominates in a major way now, and that Node is winning (as a direct competitor to .net), and that node can run multiple threads, and that the Chrome V8 engine killed all competitors, and that V8 is in node, and isomorphic design is rampant, and that Microsoft has only TypeScript which Javascript people hate.

Go ahead, let the XAML Love bite you. In the meantime, I will forgo Microsoft's throw adopters under the bus syndrome until I see something from them approaching Npm. That will never happen as bodies in motion stay in motion. Bodies at rest require a push to get going. But when NPM is already light years ahead there will not be an equal.

I used the Electron inspired Visual Studio Code for 7 years. It is lightning fast and acts just like a desktop application.

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jwp profile image

Java desktop is worse than Windows forms.

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stojakovic99 profile image
Nikola Stojaković

and that node can run multiple threads

What do you mean by this? Yes, there are thread workers, but it's not the same as having "pure" multi-threaded application.

and that Microsoft has only TypeScript which Javascript people hate.

Yes, it's hated so much by the JS community that pretty much all popular JS libraries adopted it (and it has great adoption among JS community overall).

But when NPM is already light years ahead there will not be an equal.

NPM is not light years ahead, and I say this as someone who works as JS developer on the daily basis. It's good but nowhere near great. There are far too many packages where authors didn't put much thought into design, there are no agreed standards for many things and it's easy for dependencies to screw the project.

Compare that to Cargo which is light years ahead of pretty much every package manager out there.

I used the Electron inspired Visual Studio Code for 7 years. It is lightning fast and acts just like a desktop application.

Which, surprise, has been designed by Microsoft and is written in TypeScript. Also, Microsoft invested heavily into V8 to make VSC fast. Go run five Electron apps at once and see how performant that is. It's like running five Chrome instances. That's definitely not the way to go.

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jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

Read up on the Node cluster module and nodeaffinty. Full support for multicore cpus.
Node matches dotnet async patterns.

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jwp profile image

TypeScript is way better than Javascript. It MSFTs only real universal contribution to the Web world.

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jwp profile image

Compare NPM to NUGET and we find that nuget is a minnow compared to the whale NPM

NUGET is a wimp. In every way.

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jwp profile image

When you say Electron is non performant what links do you have supporting that?

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jwp profile image

I can tell you are still hoodwinked into dotnet is better than chewing gum feeling. That will change once MSFT throws you under the bus like they did us their loyal adopters over the past 20 years.

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aheisleycook profile image

i droppped dotnet for php

lintapop profile image

Typescript, cure or evolved virus?

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aheisleycook profile image


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jwp profile image


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truebzyq profile image

All big companies are trying to solve (cure) this problem, Microsoft - TypeScript, Google - Angular, Facebook - React etc. etc. but during all those years it looks like it wasn't a solution because virus is evolving into Electron, React Native. I hope that Web-Assemblies will kill it, and it will die like Flash ;)

aheisleycook profile image

use php maybe :D

negotiamini profile image

Hear, hear!

middendorp1970 profile image
marc middendorp

Tell me which development tool supports al this? You only complain but do not add something to the conversation.

jwp profile image

Electron, please reread my post.

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middendorp1970 profile image
marc middendorp

I did. Nothing changed...

aheisleycook profile image

microsoft is more insteaded in there cloud world then they are with other products

jwp profile image

Yes this was why their XAML offerings failed, they were only focused on cloud for past 7 years.

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aheisleycook profile image

they still are. cloud is everyting this is why i gave up on windows.

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aheisleycook profile image

they pretty much see cloud as the end all beginning with windows 365 nad the microsoft linux distro which is only designed for cloud like amazon linux is

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aheisleycook profile image

to me microsoft and xbox pretty only do cloud as a service windows got turned into desktop as a service for businesses

aldycool profile image
Aldy J

Well, according to here:, it still missing support to build for web and linux from a single codebase, different than you claim in this article: "... be it desktop, mobile or web, and on any operating system."

Care to elaborate your source?

grbd profile image
Hecatron • Edited

It can be done if you use blazor instead of using the maui controls

If you place your shared app code into a razor control library then use maui / winforms / wpf Webview for windows.
Or chromely for Linux
Or maui for android / ios
Web is also possible
To create a small fronted stub for each platform that references the core razor control lib

aldycool profile image
Aldy J

Well, then, if we have to resolve to Blazor, then the Maui itself is still not supporting Web + Linux right... never mind then, that means Maui is not quite all-platforms ready yet like the rest of the competitors.

jwp profile image

Investment in blazor is a career dead end.

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ody profile image

why blazor is a career dead end?