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Carlos Jaramillo
Carlos Jaramillo

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About me ...

My name is Carlos Jaramillo and my passion is the implementation of technology in different areas of knowledge. I am a lawyer by profession, I have a master's degree in Computer Law, and three years ago I decided that it was time to reinvent myself and complement my professional profile with a Software Engineer degree. So, I study software development, in order to understand the current problems of society and develop custom software to solve these problems. I really believe in software development as a mechanism for social service, and as a tool for transformation.

I have experience as a lawyer, on one hand, in the subject of Natural Language Processing for the classification of legal documents, and on the other, I acquired knowledge during my software development studies, where I learned to work both with the bottom-up methodology for the design, development, testing and deployment of each of the software layers, such as with the technologies like: mongo Db and SQL for the databases, Django, Spring boot and Node.js for the backend, and Vue.js and React for the frontend. Additionally, I learned to work with the architecture of microservices for the development of small autonomous and independent applications, communicated through an API Gateway.

My goal at work, is to work in a company that shares my same passion for technology, and where the fundamental principle of giving the world better opportunities and experiences through technological solutions is valued.

                      “Givers advance the world. Takers advance themselves and hold the world back" –Simon Sinek
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