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User Authentication + JWT Authorization With Flutter and Node

Carmine Zaccagnino on February 18, 2020

Cover Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash The series of posts about advanced networking topics applied to Flutter apps continues. As always, this is...
bisquits profile image
Melinda Uivari • Edited

I have a question: how do I use the user data in the payload on other pages of my app (other than the homepage)? Do I pass the payload for each class? Thanks a lot in advance! EDIT: I have seen that the solution could be a singleton object. What other ways can be?

carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

The general approach to shared data across pages in Flutter is to use an InheritedWidget or simpler alternatives to it like the provider package. I hope this answered your question.

asiamov profile image

On that note: how would you go about using the token itself for every api call in other parts of the app? Right now I’m getting the JWT out of secure storage for every api call I make but I wonder if that’s efficient.

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carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino • Edited

You can fetch once when the app starts and then have an InheritedWidget or Provider above all of your widgets provide the JWT without having to fetch it from local storage every time.

Thread Thread
asiamov profile image

Right, thought about doing that as well. Wasn’t sure because of security but I guess in memory (ie provider) is alright while secure storage at rest.

bisquits profile image
Melinda Uivari • Edited

Thanks a lot! I was looking for this.
Also a tip: if you're using non-ascii characters in the username or other user data that you store in the payload, you will get a format exception. (I needed some time to figure out what had caused the problem, hahah!) The fix is to use utf8.decode() instead of ascii.decode().

carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

You're completely right! I'm sorry I didn't read your comments earlier but I was really busy and didn't notice!

ycv005 profile image
Yash Chandra Verma • Edited

You didn't mention it, by the way thanks for the article
(See the Readme of plugin)
Note By default Android backups data on Google Drive. It can cause exception to unwrap key. You need to

disable autobackup, details
exclude sharedprefs FlutterSecureStorage used by the plugin, details

anfimovoleh profile image
Oleh Anfimov

Awesome article! Thank you so much

ivanyoed profile image
Iván Gonzaléz • Edited

Thanks a lot for this article and also for the advanced flutter networking series. The way you write is very understandable. I also like that, when you use a simplified example, you do mention that in order to not let the reader fall into bad habits. Looking forward to finishing the whole series and also reading more articles from you. Greetings from Mexico.

chonghorizons profile image

We are trying to write some code to help with coronavirus response internationally. Thanks for this clear explanation of JWT with Flutter and NodeJS. I appreciate the clean and simple github code.

We're working on an app for coronavirus volunteer coordination. This is the premise: and

I could use some code review. We could pay you or you could volunteer your time. (We're all volunteers)

I'm hocho on discord. Those docs give directions on how to find me.

damianoux profile image

Hi Carmine, Good tutorial.
I followed it, but I got problem in HomePage class, in the FutureBuilder.
I was not able to get it working in the original form, I had to modify the headers as follows (my data GET route is /api/auth/profile):

          future:'$SERVER_IP/api/auth/profile', headers: {
            "Authorization": json.decode(jwt)["token_type"] +
                " " +
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Using "Authorization": jwt, passed in the whole json and the server did not authenticate, so I was redirect to login ang got error 405 (because /api/auth/login requires POST).

On the server I have nginx+ Laravel 8 and followed the recomended instruction to install jwt-auth.

DId I miss somenthing in the cofiguration of the server?


abrahamkeleta profile image
Abraham Keleta

Thank you for this great tutorial. This was super helpful!

pasonmoasca profile image

Ciao, avrei una domanda: con flutter effettuo il login con un json ma non funziona, nel senso che anche se metti le credenziali sbagliate da 200 (cioè ok). Ho solo inserito un file json (login.json). il server in cui risiede il json è un HOSTING L.A.M.P. (Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP), devi creare qualcosa di speciale o sbaglio la struttura del json? Penso che lato Flutter sia tutto ok....

File Json
"email": "",
"password": "cityslicka"

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:convert';
import '../model/login_model.dart';

class APIService {
Future login(LoginRequestModel requestModel) async {
String url = "";

final response = await, body: requestModel.toJson());
if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 400) {
  return LoginResponseModel.fromJson(
} else {
  throw Exception('Failed to load data!');
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carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

Chiedo scusa se rispondo tardi, ma non accedevo a DEV da tanto. In ogni caso, da questi snippet non vedo niente di anomalo, consiglio di mandarmi una mail a in questi casi.

toby14 profile image

Thanks for sharing this. I have a question, for this implementation, does your app get the user logged in after the app completely closed or the jwt get lost after that? I am wondering if the flutter_secure_storage package is the best choice to use if I want to save the jwt so that when I reopen the app I don't have to log in. Thanks in advance!

juehuayou profile image

hi Carmine Zaccagnino, thank for your sharing. It is very helpful!

I have a question about JWT and TokenAuthentication. What is the difference between them ? Do they perform the same for flutter mobile app connect to API?

carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

What do you mean by TokenAuthentication? Token-based authentication is always the same as far as the frontend/mobile app is concerned, the difference is in how the backend generates the access token: it can be generated with sessions as random strings that are both stored in a database and sent to the frontend so that the backend can compare to the values it has in the database, it can be generated as an encrypted payload or, in the case of JWTs, as a signed payload encoded in base64.

nahuelcabrera profile image
Nahuel Cabrera

Thanks for your work!
Awesome post, regards

stemper0123 profile image
Patryk Stemporowski

It's an amazing tutorial, but consider not putting the text in the code field next time because the text is not breaking. I don't exactly know what you can actually control on this website (probably not that much), but these five lines in the pre tag fix it: white-space: pre-wrap; /* Since CSS 2.1 / white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; / Mozilla, since 1999 / white-space: -pre-wrap; / Opera 4-6 / white-space: -o-pre-wrap; / Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word;

m8811163008 profile image

Thank you
when use express.urlencoded() ?

lucasglmt profile image

Thank you so much !

med_dernoun profile image
Mohamed Dernoun

Great tutorial, is there a way on how to refresh the token without using username and password ?

goriet profile image

Hi, how i can do this but with a image plisssss <3 and thanks

carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

You'd have to store the image somewhere else and then exchange JSON objects with your backend instead of directly sending the message so you can specify whether you're sending an image or something else.

paikman7 profile image

How would I implement this using the mongoDB database instead?

carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

You would need to change the backend to use the MongoDB driver instead of the SQLite one, connect to your MongoDB database instead of using SQLite database files and then store the documents using the MongoDB driver API.

Since MongoDB is a NoSQL document storage database, the changes you'd have to make to the code are significant.

paikman7 profile image

Also, would this be a similar structure to creating a email/password authentication system?

carminezacc profile image
Carmine Zaccagnino

It's pretty much the same thing, email authentication usually involves validating the email address, sending confirmation emails and allowing for password reset. Without those features it's exactly the same thing, you can just use an email as the username.