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Useful tensorflow/keras callbacks for model training

Here are some callbacks that I have found to be very useful when training machine learning models using python and tensorflow:

Number one: Early stopping

Keras early stopping ( has to be my favorite callback. With it you can define when the model should stop training if it is not improving. An example for usage is:

earlystopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
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This will stop the model's training once it does not improve at least 0.001 in loss for 5 epochs. It will then restore the model's weights to the weights on the best epoch. Just like any callback make sure to include it during training like, some_data_y, epochs=some_number, callbacks=[earlystopping, some_other_callback])

Number two: Learning rate scheduler

Keras learning rate scheduler ( can be very useful if you are having problems with your learning rate. With it you can reduce or increase learning rate during training based on a number of conditions. An example:

def scheduler(epoch, lr):
       return lr * tf.math.exp(-0.5)

 learningratecallback = tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(scheduler)
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The scheduler function is where you can define your logic for how the learning rate should decrease or increase. learningratecallback just wraps your function in a tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(). Don't forget to include it in!

Last but not least, number three: Custom callbacks

Custom callbacks ( are great if you need to do something during training that is not built in to keras + tensorflow. I won't go in depth as there is a lot you can do. Basically you have to define a class that inherits from keras.callbacks.Callback. There are many different functions that you can define that will be called at different times during the training (or testing and prediction) cycle. A simple example would be:

class Catsarecoolcallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
    def on_epoch_end(self, logs=None):
        print('cats are cool!`)
callback = Catsarecoolcallback()
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This (as you can probably tell) prints out cats are cool! every time an epoch ends.

Hope you learned something while reading this!

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