DEV Community

Cazim Meskovic
Cazim Meskovic

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My Programming Journey: Open for New Project Collaborations! πŸš€

Hey DEV Community! πŸ‘‹

My name is Cazim Meskovic, and I’ve been learning programming for over two years now. During this time, I’ve worked on a variety of projects and gained experience in the following technologies:

Tailwind CSS
Throughout my journey, I’ve developed several solo projects that helped me deepen my understanding of both frontend and backend development. πŸ’»

I’m currently open to new opportunities and looking for an exciting project to work on! If you’re seeking a developer with hands-on experience in these technologies or are interested in collaborating on something cool, feel free to reach out. πŸ“¨

I’m excited to connect, discuss ideas, and contribute to interesting projects. Thanks for taking the time to read my first post, and I hope we can build something awesome together!

P.S. Feel free to drop a comment or connect if you have any questions or project suggestions. Always happy to network and chat about tech! 🀝

My portfolio:

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