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BDD Testing

What is BDD Testing?

BDD is Behavior Driven Development Testing.
It's an Agile way where testers write cases in a simple way for anyone to understand.
Gherkin language is used for BDD to describe scenarios and outcomes using Given, When, and Then statements.


Cucumber is a framework that outlines the scenarios in a feature file, and formulates the tests with Java code in another file.

Advantages to Cucumber

We can use parameterized tests for code reusability using Scenario Outlines and Examples.

Scenario Outline: 
Given any day of the week
When it is <time> o'clock
Then I should eat <dish> for <meal>

| time |   dish   |    meal   |
| 8 AM | pancakes | breakfast |
| 1 PM | sandwich |   lunch   |
| 6 PM |   pasta  |   dinner  |

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This allows us to reuse the scenario outline for all of these different cases without having to copy and paste the Scenario, Given, and Then statements.

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