Apache Airflow is a platform to manage workflows that is a crucial role for data intensive applications. One can define, schedule, monitor and troubleshoot data workflows as code that makes maintenance, versioning, dependence management and testing more convenient. Being initiated by Airbnb, today it is an open-source tool backed by the Apache Software Foundation.
Airflow provides robust integrations with major cloud platforms (involving GCP, AWS, MS Azure, etc) as well as local resources. Moreover, it is written in Python that is also used for creating workflows. Accordingly and not surprisingly, it a well-accepted solution by the industry for applications in different scales. It is also important to note that it allows dynamically manage workflows (data pipelines) but workflows themselves are expected to be -almost- static. It is definitely not for streaming.
1. The Basic Architecture and Terminology
Task and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) are two fundamental concepts to understand how to use Airflow.
A task is an atomized and standalone piece of work (action). Airflow helps you define, run and monitor tasks in Python3, bash scripts, etc. It would be any operation on or with data such as transferring, analysis and storage. Tasks are defined using code templates called operators and the building block of all operators is the BaseOperator
. Generic operators are used for variety of tasks that build DAGs. Moreover, there are specific versions of operators. One of them is sensors that are observing specific points of DAG to detect a specific event to happen. Other tasks with unique functionalities are defined with @task
decorator that is handled by TaskFlow API. The code snippet given below shows the basic structure of defining tasks within DAG files with examples for BashOperator and PythonOperator.
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
# ... We see complete DAG files below.
# Here is just an example for how to define tasks.
my_Bash_task = BashOperator(
my_Python_task = PythonOperator(
"src_file": "address_to_source_file",
A DAG represents the interdependence among tasks (see Figure 1, Source). Nodes of a DAG are individual tasks whereas the edges correspond to data transition among two tasks.
Airflow helps you link tasks to compose DAGs for controlling flow. To do so, it brings together a variety of services as represented in Figure 2 (Source).
In architecture of Apache Airflow,
- Workers are the components in which tasks are run in line with the commands received from executer.
- Scheduler follows dependencies defined for tasks and DAGs. Once these are met, scheduler triggers the tasks in accordance with the given timing policy.
- Executor runs tasks either inside the scheduler or by pushing corresponding workers.
DAG Directory is the folder in which
files for each DAG lives. - Metadata Database stores the state of the scheduler, executer and webserver.
- User interface helps users to control and follow workflows with a intuitive graphical screen and to reach some outputs from the system (such as logs) easily.
- Webserver links the system with user interface for remote control with interactive GUI.
Once tasks and DAGS are defined and the system id activated (usually within containers), users get a screen as shown below (Source) where the workflow can be followed.
Overviewing basic architecture and the terminology, let’s see them in action.
2. Installing Airflow
Airflow is a highly configurable tool. Accordingly, it’s installation can be customized due to the requirements of each specific application. Moreover, it is a common practice to host it in a container to isolate from system interactions and dependency conflicts. Brief guide presented here is based on the official guide and the show case is originally presented by DataTalks Club in during Data Engineering Zoomcamp (2022 cohort). The code base and the configurations files used in this tutorial are available here. The case in this tutorial aims to
- get large number of files (1000+) from a public dataset (OEDI photovoltaic systems dataset) to the local machine in
format - convert them to
format for more effective computation on cloud in following steps, - upload data to a bucket on Google Cloud Platform (GCP),
- transfer them from bucket to BigQuery for further analysis.
Parquet is a free and open source columnar storage format backed by Apache Software Foundation. It allows efficient compression and encoding within Hadoop ecosystem independent of frameworks or programming languages. Hence it is a common format for public databases and actually OEDI PV dataset also has a version in .parquet
format. However, in line with the corresponding DataTalks Club tutorials and videos, the conversion process is involved to present variety of operations. Otherwise, it is possible to directly transfer .parquet
files to GCP using Airflow or any other tool.
2.1 Containerization
Following the best practices, the installation of the Airflow will be containerized. Accordingly, the Dockerfile
and the docker-compose.yaml
files have crucial role. Airflow documentation presents a typical docker-compose file for make life easier for newcomers. It uses the official airflow image: apache/airflow:2.2.3
. Hence, the Dockerfile developed by DataTalks Club starts with it system requirements and settings. Then, the SDK for GCP is downloaded and installed for cloud integrations. The file concludes with
- setting a home directory for Airflow within container,
- including additional scripts if necessary
- setting a parameter for the user ID of Airflow.
(Note: it is a common practice to host the following files and folders within a folder, preferable named as ‘airflow’.
# First-time build can take upto 10 mins.
FROM apache/airflow:2.2.3
ENV AIRFLOW_HOME=/opt/airflow
USER root
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install vim -qqq
# git gcc g++ -qqq
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
# Ref: https://airflow.apache.org/docs/docker-stack/recipes.html
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
ENV GCLOUD_HOME=/home/google-cloud-sdk
RUN DOWNLOAD_URL="https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-sdk-${CLOUD_SDK_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" \
&& TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" \
&& curl -fL "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" --output "${TMP_DIR}/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz" \
&& mkdir -p "${GCLOUD_HOME}" \
&& tar xzf "${TMP_DIR}/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz" -C "${GCLOUD_HOME}" --strip-components=1 \
&& "${GCLOUD_HOME}/install.sh" \
--bash-completion=false \
--path-update=false \
--usage-reporting=false \
--quiet \
&& rm -rf "${TMP_DIR}" \
&& gcloud --version
COPY scripts scripts
RUN chmod +x scripts
The docker-compose.yaml
file suggested by the Airflow documentation should be downloaded next to the Dockerfile:
curl -LfO 'https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/2.2.5/docker-compose.yaml'
It involves variety of functionalities that Airflow need and presents (descripition are from official guide):
- The scheduler monitors all tasks and DAGs, then triggers the task instances once their dependencies are complete. -
- The webserver is available athttp://localhost:8080
. -
- The worker that executes the tasks given by the scheduler. -
- The initialization service. -
- The flower app for monitoring the environment. It is available athttp://localhost:5555
. -
- The database. -
- The redis - broker that forwards messages from scheduler to worker.
The Airflow documentation also suggest to create folders to keep DAGs, log files and plugins outside the container:
mkdir -p ./dags ./logs ./plugins
Moreover, a .env
file should be created to declare the user ID to the docker-compose:
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env
Having the base image, next step is to include GCP related components to the docker-compose.yaml
and to set credentials. DataTalks Club template includes the following lines:
# (line 61 to 66)
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: /.google/credentials/google_credentials.json
AIRFLOW_CONN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_DEFAULT: 'google-cloud-platform://?extra__google_cloud_platform__key_path=/.google/credentials/google_credentials.json'
# TODO: Please change GCP_PROJECT_ID & GCP_GCS_BUCKET, as per your config
# line 72 >> link to the credentials file (at your host machine) for your GCP service account
- ~/.google/credentials/:/.google/credentials:ro
Also note that DataTalks template replaces the image
tag in original document with the build
of the Dockerfile (Line 47 to 49). The rest of the docker-compose.yaml
file is ~300 line that is needless to display here. Please investigate the file downloaded (with curl
command given above) and visit DataTalks Repository.
2.2 Running the Containers
Once gathering the necessary files and folders, it’s time to build and up the service with the following commands:
docker-compose build #would require 10-15 mins
docker-compose up airflow-init #requires ~1 min
docker-compose up #requires 2-3 mins
As mentioned above, Airflow has a webserver that provides an interactive GUI (localhost:8080
) to monitor and control the processes declared by DAGs.
3. Composing DAGs to Use OEDI Data
Having an Airflow setup up-and-running, next step is to compose DAG files to execute tasks. The complete code for this part can be seen here. In this text, only the custom parts for OEDI PV dataset will be reviewed. Rest of the code is in line with DataTalks tutorial.
As like typical Python files, DAG files starts with imports followed by declarations. First part of the declarations involve the environmental parameters refer to Dockerfile and docker-compose files:
AIRFLOW_HOME = os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_HOME", "/opt/airflow/")
PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("GCP_PROJECT_ID")
BUCKET = os.environ.get("GCP_GCS_BUCKET")
BIGQUERY_DATASET = os.environ.get("BIGQUERY_DATASET", pv_system_label)
Rest of the declarations are related to the OEDI data lake that is hosted on AWS-S3 buckets. An example URL for the files:
It can be separated into following components:
- URL Core for PV dataset:
- System declaration with a numeric code:
- Year declaration:
- Month declaration:
- Day declaration:
- File name declaration:
Hence, we need a parameter to define system ID and independent year, month and day parameters to target specific files. The ID is just a string:
pv_system_ID = '1430'
To manipulate date parameters, we can embed Python codes within a Jinja template:
{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%Y\') }}
Hence, we can declare parametrized URL as:
URL_PREFIX='https://oedi-data-lake.s3.amazonaws.com/ \
pvdaq/csv/pvdata/ \
system_id='+pv_system_ID+ \
'/year='+'{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%Y\') }}'+\
'/month={{ execution_date.strftime(\'%-m\') }}' +\
'/day='+'{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%-e\') }}'
'{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%Y\') }}'+\
'_{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%m\') }}_'+\
'{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%d\') }}'+'.csv'
In a similar manner, it is useful to rename downloaded files before conversion:
'data_{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%Y\') }}\
{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%m\') }}\
{{ execution_date.strftime(\'%d\') }}.csv'
parquet_file = OUTPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE.\
replace('.csv', '.parquet')
DAG code continues with 2 function definitions (namely format_to_parquet
and upload_to_gcs
defined by DataTalk Club to be used in operators. In line with the 4 tasks given at the beginning of Section 2, the DAG involves 4 operators (remember the definition and role of operators given in Section 1).
The first operator gets data from the corresponding link by using the curl
command with URL and output templates declared above:
download_task = BashOperator(
bash_command=f'curl -sSL {URL_TEMPLATE} > {OUTPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE}'
The second operator converts .csv
file to .parquet
file using the format_to_parquet
convert_task = PythonOperator(
The third operator sends the converted file to GCP bucket using the upload_to_gcs
function with parametrized system and file names:
local_to_gcs_task = PythonOperator(
"bucket": BUCKET,
"object_name": f"{pv_system_label}/{parquet_file_name}",
"local_file": f"{parquet_file}",
The last operator transfers files from bucket to BigQuery with a specific operator defined for this task:
bigquery_external_table_task = BigQueryCreateExternalTableOperator(
"tableReference": {
"projectId": PROJECT_ID,
"tableId": pv_system_label+"_"+"{{execution_date.strftime(\'%d\') }}{{execution_date.strftime(\'%m\') }}{{execution_date.strftime(\'%Y\') }}",
"externalDataConfiguration": {
"sourceFormat": "PARQUET",
"sourceUris": [f"gs://{BUCKET}/{pv_system_label}/{parquet_file_name}"],
The last step is to ‘chain’ all these operators to build the ‘tree’ of tasks:
download_task >> convert_task \
>> local_to_gcs_task >> bigquery_external_table_task
Initiating Airflow with such a DAG definition for 4 PV system (IDs with 1430 to 1433), one should get the following graph:
After triggering a DAG, the following tree visualization appears:
This also visualize how the DAG works. Referring to the date declarations given in DAT initiation:
with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
end_date=datetime(2015, 12, 31),
) as dag:
Airflow parametrizes year, month and day information to be used in DAG. These parameters are used in the URL template explained above to get the exact file for each iteration. Hence, beginning from start date
, Airflow iterates the DAG for each day up to the end_date
. After completing each run for 4 systems, the following creen appears on Airflow DAGs menu and BigQuery:
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