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Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy

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Hi, I'm Chris Murphy

I have been coding since right before I started 7th grade. That was awhile ago. I'd guess I've been coding for right around 16 million minutes, give or take a nap or two. I think that makes me Generation X? Regardless, I still like to Hustle

You can find me on Twitter @cemmurphy or on Github @cemmurphy

I currently live in Austin, TX and I'm working on my startup InfiniGraph. We're doing some cool stuff with video, image recognition, machine learning, and generally having a good time.

I mostly program in Python, Go and JavaScript right now. There is lots and lots of Java in the past with some C & C++. I've forgotten most of the Fortran and RPG. My very first line of code was in BASIC on a TI 99/4a

I am currently learning more about machine learning, scaling tech ecosystems with containers, Visual behaviors,

Nice to meet you.

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