DEV Community

Why I Chose C#

Chadwin Deysel on April 23, 2022

Attention fullstack developers, there’s an imposter among us. Unfortunately, it’s me. I like to think of myself as a front end dev, disguised as a ...
jwp profile image

Switched from Java to C# when it was released. Best decision I made career wise. Also, knowing C# allows for super fast ramp up in TypeScript.

As for WASM, super cool and not yet a big thing with large companies. This means learning it now has super strong future demand and marketability.

As for Maui, I'm just going to wait longer. Don't feel it's strong yet and I still have PTSD from Silverlight, WPF and all descendants. I'm convinced Microsoft didn't really want to give up the desktop for any .Net Architecture.

chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

I agree with the conversion to TypeScript. Having a strong background in C# allowed me to pick up the fundamentals of TypeScript in no time to implement in my frontend applications as well.

As for the PTSD, I feel we're all suffering 😂 I came into .NET with the outcomes of my course resulting in me being a UWP application. However I think .NET has done a great job in responding to what their community has been requesting (some of the new C# 11 features), so all we can do is lean back and hope for the best.

jwp profile image

.NET fractured the desktop so badly that I refused to learn UWP or anything subsequent.

WPF was always stronger except for cross platform.

What they should have done was to continue with WPF.

The whole fiasco reminds me of the Silverlight fail. And now they are selling MAUI?

C'mon Microsoft fire some of your directors. Silverlight, WPF, UWP All died because of bad decisions and lack of disclosures.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

I was 3 weeks away from abandoning C# when I discovered .Net Core. I threw .Net Framework in the garbage bin, for never to look back again, and I can now confidentially proclaim I'm developing on one of the best platforms in the world. You did a smart choice :)

chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

I was in that very position as well. Starting off we worked primarily on UWP applications and ASP.NET with everyone's favorite .NET Framework 4 😭. The .NET Core update brought me back into the world of C# and I'm glad I made the decision to stick to it.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

Yeah, it only took them 20 years, and 3 CEOs, but when they (Microsoft) finally figured out how to create amazing frameworks, they really figured it out :)

eljayadobe profile image

I've worked on 3 big projects in C#. It's a good language. .NET is a good ecosystem. If you do TDD, NUnit and NCrunch are invaluable. (I'm also a fan of F#, with the introductory tutorial The Book of F# by Dave Fancher getting my recommendation.)

I've worked on a 2 big projects in Java. It's also a good language, with a good ecosystem.

These days I'm doing a big project in C++. I miss C#.

chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

Hi Eljay, thanks for the recommendation. Would be really keen to hear more of your experience with the other languages and their ecosystems (Java and C++) compared to C#. I don't think we hear enough from people who has had real life experience with some other frameworks.

eljayadobe profile image

For Java, the projects I worked on was AlterCast, Graphic Server, and Document Server. Those were targeting J2EE environments for enterprise customers. It was Java 1.4 era, and most devs were using Eclipse, amongst a few IntelliJ fans.

I had come from a C++ background, so the refactoring tools in Eclipse for Java were amazing.

At Microsoft, working on Expression Blend and porting it to Visual Studio, I worked in C# and WPF/XAML. That was my first exposure to C#, and I was struck by both how similar C#/.NET was to Java/JVM, and also how different. I don't consider one superior to the other; they're both very good, and they both have their quirks and peculiarities. (IDisposable, lookin' at you.) It was nice to work with Lutz Roeder, just don't mention Reflector ... he was completely done with it by then.

But I didn't have a "great" experience with C# for that project, because we didn't have the extra mojo of using developer enhancement tools like ReSharper or CodeRush.

After that project, I got to work on the IE10 dev tools, and then the IE11 dev tools. That's what I got to use TypeScript 0.8, which at the time brought ES6-isms to ES3/ES5 as well as other better expressivity to JavaScript. The ES3/ES5 "polyfill" is no longer relevant, but TypeScript is still wonderful anything larger than JavaScript snippets.

JavaScript was designed to be for tiny snippets of event handling glue code. It does that job really well. Scaling JavaScript up to medium or large size applications is not in its wheelhouse; TypeScript makes that a better value-add proposition.

During "the browser wars", the contenders were Microsoft Silverlight, Sun/Oracle Java, and Macromedia/Adobe Flash. Who would have thought the dark horse technology JavaScript would beat out those other well-funded behemoths?

After The Big Layoff of 2014, working at another company on their Inspire software in C#, I got to use ReSharper, and NCrunch. Both are amazing tools — NCrunch being pure magic. (I presume both have Java/JVM analogs.) One co-worker of mine (at the time, the maintainer of Snoop) was a big fan of CodeRush, also an excellent tool.

Now I'm back in C++ land. I started with C++ in 1990, I wouldn't have imagined at the time that 30+ years later I'd still be using C++.

Prior to C++, my languages I've worked with were C, Pascal, LISP, FORTRAN, Prolog, 68000 assembly, 6502 assembly, and a wide variety of BASIC. I've worked on Apple //e and IIgs, Commodore 8032, Amiga 500 & 3000, Macintosh II through today's versions (from 68000 to PowerPC to Intel 32-bit to Intel 64-bit to ARM). I've also programmed on DEC VMS, IBM 3090, and a variety of Unix machines.

In addition to all the programming languages I've used for work or academics, I've also enjoyed learning a new programming language every year. Kind of my hobby. This year I'm taking a look at Swift 5.5 (due in large part to my coworker Dave Abrahams, who was one of the developers of Swift)... since I hadn't looked at it since Swift 1.x and it has changed & improved greatly since then.

My favorite languages are D, Python, Lua, and F#.

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chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

What a journey, it's amazing how we tend to end up right where we started. And with regards to JavaScript beating out the established competition, I think a lot of developers at the time were rooting for JavaScript to win.

Thank you for taking the time to tell your story, was really great to read 😃.

mistval profile image

I used to work mainly with C#. Now I mainly work with TypeScript and JavaScript. I miss C#.

chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

Hi Randall. I think we've all worked in other environments before at one point (I did a few projects using #gatsby), but nothing did it quite like C# for us.

afheisleycook profile image

C# is very powerful and is used a lot in the commercial dev world yoy made a great choice

chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

To that I agree. I really hope a lot more developers adopt C# going forward, especially with all the great features on the horizon.

chadwinjdeysel profile image
Chadwin Deysel

Hi Nate, thanks for mentioning the security and performance aspect of C# compared to something like Node. That's another aspect that C# does great that I didn't touch on in the article.

jwp profile image
JWP • Edited

Java was not being enhanced for many years. During that time Microsoft put out some of the best work in C#. Examples: System.Linq, Generics, and Async/Await.

When Java finally caught up it was too late because their implementations were and still are inferior.

Shockingly IntelliJ still is a minor league player to Visual Studio.

I had some work in Java a few years back, the environment sickened me daily. I was glad to get off that project. For me, I'll ever go back to Java for anything less than $200k.

jayjeckel profile image
Jay Jeckel

It's not good or bad practice, it's naming conventions. Wherever you are, the best practice is following the local naming convention, regardless of what they are.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Great write up this is why I decided to learn C# instead of Java.

afheisleycook profile image

I have .net skills like c#alot considering f#

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jwp profile image

Amen brother!