Latest episodes

71: Spine and Client-Side MVC with Alex MacCaw
The Changelog,
70: Foundation and Other Zurb Goodies with Jonathan Smiley and Matt Kelly
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69: Spree and Ecommerce in Rails with Sean Schofield and Brian Quinn
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68: Growl and Open Source in the App Store with Chris Forsythe
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67: HTML5 Boilerplate and JavaScript with Paul Irish
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66: RVM and BDSM with Wayne Seguin
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65: Code for America with Erik Michaels-Ober and Max Ogden
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64: Pow, Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline, CoffeeScript and More with Sam Stephenson
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63: CDNJS with Thomas Davis and Ryan Kirkman
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62: IronJS, F#, and .NET with Fredrik Holmström
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61: Oh My Zsh with Robby Russell
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60: Fog, the Ruby Cloud Services Library with Wesley Beary
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59: RubyGems and with Nick Quaranto
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58: Twisted and Evented Programming in Python with Glyph Lefkowitz
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57: Amplify.js, jQuery, and CoffeeScript with Mike Hostetler and Scott González
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56: Vim Round Table with Drew Neil, Tim Pope, and Yehuda Katz
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55: Goliath, Event Machine, and SPDY with Ilya Grigorik
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54: Erlang, CouchBase and Merging with Membase with Chris Anderson
The Changelog,
53: Formalize and News Roundup "Design Edition" with Nathan Smith
The Changelog,
52: Serve, RadiantCMS, Design and Prototyping with John W. Long
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51: MongoDB, NoSQL, and Web Scale with Eliot Horowitz
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50: Ruby, Rails, and the Cloud with Dr Nic
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49: Git, Showoff, and XBox Kinect with Scott Chacon
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48: Jenkins and Continous Integration with Kohsuke Kawaguchi and Andrew Bayer
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47: Open Government and the Citizen Coder with Carl Tashian
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46: YUI 3, Node.js, JSLint, and Douglas Crockford Code Reviews
The Changelog,
45: Redis In-Memory Data Store with Salvatore Sanfilippo
The Changelog,
44: Ruby 1.9, Nokogiri, and Tender Lovemaking with Aaron Patterson
The Changelog,
43: Hackety Hack and _why with Steve Klabnik
The Changelog,