Latest episodes

Chasing the 9s
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News: New OpenAI APIs, self-hosting all the things, the Dart Frog project, curl's NuGet story & Hacker Stations
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You’re just a devcontainer.json away
The Changelog,
News: Stack Overflow's architecture, Lobsters' killer libraries, Linux is ready for modern Macs, what to expect from your framework & GoatCounter web analytics
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Into the Fediverse
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News: Sidney Bing, Elk for Mastodon, writing an engineering strategy, what's next for core-js & cool tool lightning round
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What it takes to scale engineering
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News: Load testing a $4 VPS, TOML for .env files, counting unique visitors sans cookies, the Arc browser & a love letter to Deno
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Git with your friends
The Changelog,
News: OpenAI's new text classifier, teach yourself CS, programming philosophies are about state, you might not need Lodash & overrated scalability
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News: Data tool belts, Build Your Own Redis, the giscus comments system, prompt engineering shouldn't exist & ALPACA
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Mainframes are still a big thing
The Changelog,
News: Prioritizing tech debt, UI components to copy/paste, learnings from 20 years in software, git-sim & jqjq
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Just Postgres
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News: Premium PCB cheat sheets, a disappearing AWS dev, HyperSwitch, Servo is back at it & Cloudflare Wildebeest
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Tracking layoffs, tech worker demand still high, ntfy, devenv, Markdoc & Mike Bifulco
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Beyond Heroku to Muse
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Useful Vim commands, bad first ideas, PETS config manager, Kaizen shirts for sale & infinite canvas tools
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The story of Heroku
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Linux mythbusting & retro gaming
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Sonic search, building software like an SRE, leaving the cloud, an HTTP crash course & breaking up with CSS-in-JS
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The terminal as a platform
The Changelog,
Harmonai revisited, lessons learned from public salary, Open Core Ventures, Stripe is Paypal in 2010 & Helix
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Taking Postgres serverless
The Changelog,
Forking SQLite, generative AI for music, saying no to sprints, awesome diagramming tools & state machine facts
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A new batch of web frameworks emerge!
The Changelog,
Hacktoberfest is ON, DiffusionBee is 1.0, Dracula UI is out, GitX is undead, Prerender is off AWS & we'll be at ATO!
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A guided tour through ID3 esoterica
The Changelog,
Firefox supports blockers, NATS is great, Uber's MFA fatigue, OAuth2 drawn in cute shapes & an aging programmer
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