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Chapter One Rpg
Chapter One Rpg

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Work Item Prioritized List

High Priority

  1. Can interact with things through the wall
  2. Sometimes the interact text stays after being away from the object you can interact with
  3. Add Keybind documentation for Skin Writing Ability
  4. All NPC damage is defaulted to scale with strength currently (including the mage npc's attacks)
  5. Fix player's head IK he keeps looking at random places on the ground
  6. Golem
    1. Jump ability is broken
    2. Running attack doesnt hit with the 2nd swing
  7. If health is full player should stop using potion
  8. You should not be able to drink a potion/switch weapons when knocked down/interupted

Medium-High Priority

  1. Once out of potions, the icon stays there
    1. Update the toolbelt when out of potions
  2. Unequipping item from inventory does not affect what player is wielding
  3. Equipping an item when there is already an active item will force the player to equip the active item
  4. Show number next to consumable UI showing the number of potions left
  5. Will keep rolling/dodging until out of stamina if the movement key is held down while dodging
  6. Animator inconsistencies between weapons
    1. Consume potion, ladders, etc
  7. Going up hill slows character down by like 75% speed
  8. No penalty when walking in water
  9. Animations are jaggy
  10. All enemies need hit reactions
  11. Weapons need impact effects
  12. Damage Text Add some interesting flare to the animation style (e.g. start out very bright for 0.2 seconds, stay at medium for 0.4 seconds, then fade out)
  13. Make damage text different colors depending on the type of attack
    1. Impact (physical?)
    2. Damage over time
    3. Magic
    4. etc

Medium Priority

  1. Cleanup World
    1. Water clips through floor
      1. New waves are showing above landscape
      2. Clips above land near castle
    2. Trees inside of Rocks
    3. Sticks on the ground float off the ground
  2. Add a real Settings menu page
    1. Features:
      1. Dynamic keybindings
    2. Annoying when wanting to control stuff like audio levels
  3. When interact shows up, show the key to interact so the player doesn't have to guess
    1. Show the interact key next to the text
  4. Armored Skeleton goes flying sometimes
  5. Implement Auto Save
  6. Add Lock-On mechanic for combat
  7. Add music when combat begins, fade out when it ends
  8. Add dust effects on the feet of your characters for their combat animations to sell the power of their movement
  9. Enemy abilities

Medium-Low Priority

  1. Game took 57 seconds to create
    1. Start loading assets the moment the game is launched
    2. This is mostly due to the audio library
  2. Camera clips through rocks
  3. player appears to clip into the floor as player while walking up hills
    1. Look into IK
  4. No fall damage

Low Priority

  1. Firepit doesn't damage player

Fight Mechanics


  • Lots of health but not complex
  • Knight fight was better


  • More intricate mechanics compared to Golem


  • Needs to move around the room more


  • Cave location is way too dark to see what is going on clearly

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