High Priority
- 3 new Greatsword attacks
- Right Click does a charging stab
- Shift attack after 1st basic attack rotates the player around the enemy
- Shift attack after the above shift attack makes the player jump in the air for an execution-style attack
- 1 new Sword attack
- Right click make the player flip forward and attack
- Implemented Auto Save
- Auto Save now happens every time the player leaves combat
- Added "Load Auto Save" option to UI
- Add Keybind documentation for Skin Writing Ability
- Player will stop using potion when full health is reached
- Player can no longer drink potions while interuptted
- Added a death animation layer so that it will override all other animation layers and prevent the player from animating after death
- Player's Head IK no longer looks at random spots on the ground
- Update UI for Character panel
- Update UI for Crafting to make it more intuitive
Medium-High Priority
- Consumable Toolbelt (ex: Potions) now shows a number of how many consumables are left
- The toolbelt UI will gray out when consumable count is 0
- Unequipping an item that is active and equipped will unequip it from the player
- Equipping a weapon will not affect the equip state of an unrelated active weapon
- Damage text is now more animated (although it still needs work)
- Greatsword is now utilizing colliders for collision detection instead of the old raycast web method
Medium Priority
- (Prototyping) Add music when combat begins for Golem
- Fix Shadows on Firepit
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