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Discussion on: YEW Tutorial: 07 Custom like a bike

chasahodge profile image
Charles Hodge

Davide, this is Great tutorial and I have been enjoying the learning thus far. However, on Part 7 I cannot get any version to compile (as of 7//202020). Error Messages:

use yewtil::{Pure, PureComponent); no 'PureComponent' or 'Pure' in root

v7p2 and v7p3 :
error[E0432]: unresolved import yewtil::function_component
--> src/components/
2 | use yewtil::function_component;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no function_component in the root

error[E0432]: unresolved import crate::components::button::Button
--> src/
1 | use crate::components::button::Button;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^------
| | |
| | help: a similar name exists in the module: button
| no Button in components::button

error: cannot determine resolution for the attribute macro function_component
--> src/components/
4 | #[function_component(Button)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: import resolution is stuck, try simplifying macro imports

error: cannot find attribute prop_or_default in this scope
--> src/components/
5 | pub fn button(onsignal: &Callback, #[prop_or_default] title: String) -> Html { | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Not sure how to resolve these errors. Tried replacing the code with the example on the YEW GitHub site but no luck there. Any thoughts?

chasahodge profile image
Charles Hodge

Fixed it! In the Cargo.toml file change the yewtil = line to:
yewtil = { git = "", features = ["fetch", "pure"] }

davidedelpapa profile image
Davide Del Papa

Yes, it's something I actually explain further on with the tutorials. I shouldn't have committed to the main github branch, because the Yew interface changed so much... But alas, I did. In any case, thank you for your bugfix! I do really appreciate people are taking this project seriously! ❤️❤️❤️