Being an INFJ, I always have thousand of ideas running in my mind, from food recipes to shark tank ideas and everything in between. Years ago, while working at my e-commerce sales analyst position, I found myself constantly brainstorming ideas on how to optimize the tools that I used. I was trying to program in Excel to create tools to increase efficiency at work. I did end up creating a couple of tools using Excel, but the curiosity didn't stop there.
The moment I realized all I need is a computer and a whole lot of googling and learning to digitalize my ideas, I made the biggest leap in my career journey, which is to learn software engineering. From coding my first "Hello World" on screen, I never looked back.
All the well-prepared resources and motivating testimonies I found on the internet have completely demolished my previous long-held perceptions that computer science is meant for men who are good in math and sciences. Some of my biggest inspirations have been ted talks about computer science and podcasts by women in tech and minorities in tech, for example, Learn to Code With Me by Laurence Bradford and CodeNewbie by Saron Yitbarek.
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