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Oconnor Suarez
Oconnor Suarez

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Side-line water deltaic esturine habitat are locations involving methane flux in the seaside sector.

Adverse prenatal environments, such as maternal stress and infections, can influence the health and performance of offspring. Mastitis is the most common disease in dairy cattle, yet the intergenerational effects have not been specifically investigated. Therefore, we examined the associations between the dam's mammary gland health and daughter performance using somatic cell score (SCS) as a proxy for mammary health. Using data obtained from Dairy Records Management Systems (Raleigh, NC), we linked daughter records with their dam's records for the lactation in which the daughter was conceived. Linear and quadratic relationships of dam mean SCS with the daughter's age at first calving (AFC; n = 15,992 daughters, 4,366 herds), first- (n = 15,119 daughters, 4,213 herds) and second-lactation SCS (n = 3,570 daughters, 1,554 herds), first- and second-lactation mature-equivalent 305-d milk yield, and milk component yields were assessed using mixed linear regression models. We uncovered a phenomenon similar to those flk fat synthesis. AZD9291 cell line As such, future studies should examine epigenetic mechanisms as a potential underpinning of this phenomenon.The optimal milking cluster should milk as gently as possible to minimize the mechanical effect on the teat tissue at an optimal milking performance and milk quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of liner shape (round vs. triangular) and type of cluster ventilation (claw vs. mouthpiece chamber; MPC) on milking performance and vacuum at the teat end and in the MPC. Our hypothesis was that liner shape and cluster ventilation affect milking performance and MPC vacuum. Six Holstein Friesian cows were milked twice daily over 12 d with a bucket milker, using 4 different cluster types that combined liner shape and type of cluster ventilation at 3 different system vacuum settings (35, 42, and 50 kPa) in an incomplete randomized block design. Milk flow and vacuum in the MPC, at the teat end (measured in the short milk tube), and in the short pulse tube were continuously recorded during milking. Milk flow was higher, and hence main milking time was shorter, with the round than with the triangular liners. The MPC vacuum was lower in round than triangular liners, which was caused by higher air leakage between teat and liner barrel in the triangular liners. The MPC vacuum, as well as its cyclic fluctuations, increased at the end of milking (immediately before cluster detachment) in all cluster types, with the highest amplitude of fluctuation in the triangular liners with MPC ventilation. The MPC ventilation reduced the MPC vacuum in both liner types at the end of milking, and also in triangular liners during peak milk flow. Despite the observed differences of MPC vacuum, the ventilation type did not affect milking performance. However, milking with triangular MPC-ventilated liners caused an increased proportion of foamed milk, which could potentially have a negative effect on milk quality.Lysolecithin is an antiinflammatory emulsifier associated with improved apparent digestibility of total dietary fat and improved feed efficiency in dairy cattle. However, it is unknown if lysolecithin (LYSO) improves performance in calves. Moreover, since many conventional milk replacers use vegetable-sourced fat (e.g., palm oil), nutrient absorption and fecal score may be affected in neonatal calves. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of LYSO supplemented in milk replacer on performance, metabolites, and gut health of preweaned dairy calves. Holstein calves (n = 32) with adequate passive transfer were assigned in pairs (16 blocks) balanced by birth weight, date of birth, and sex at 1 d of age to randomly receive either LYSO (mixed in 2 milk replacer feedings at a rate of 4 g/d Lysoforte, Kemin Industries Inc., Des Moines, IA) or a milk replacer control (nothing added). Both treatments were fed 6 L/d milk replacer [22.5% crude protein, 16.2% crude fat (vegetable oil fat source) on alacer with vegetable-sourced fat.Research exploring specific associations of markers of negative energy balance and Ca in postpartum Jersey cows with lactation performance is lacking. Our objectives were to evaluate the associations of total Ca concentration (tCa) measured at 1 through 3 d in milk (DIM) and free fatty acids (FFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), and glucose measured at 3 DIM with (1) the risk of multiparous Jersey cows being diagnosed with early-lactation diseases and culling, (2) milk production in the first 9 wk of lactation, and (3) the risk of pregnancy in the first 150 DIM. A cohort study was performed in 1 dairy herd in Texas. Multivariable Poisson regression models were built to evaluate the association of the analytes of interest with the risks of early-lactation diseases and culling in the first 60 DIM (i.e., binary outcomes). Linear mixed models were used to evaluate the association of the analytes of interest with milk production within the first 9 wk of lactation, and a Cox proportional hazard model was built to assess ry associations with milk production and culling in multiparous Jersey cows. Although increased concentration of FFA assessed at 3 DIM was associated with greater milk yield, it was a detrimental factor for the risk of metritis. This study attempted to better elucidate the relationship of tCa, FFA, BHB, and glucose assessed in early postpartum with health and performance of Jersey cows. Based on this study, assessments performed at 3 DIM using tCa concentration ≤1.99 mmol/L for increased risk of early-lactation culling and FFA ≥0.43 mmol/L for increased risk of metritis could be used as starting points. More studies evaluating the dynamics of energy balance markers and tCa in postpartum Jersey cows using a greater number of herds are needed to better inform dairy consultants on critical levels for exacerbated postpartum negative energy balance and subclinical hypocalcemia for the Jersey breed.Marker sets used in US dairy genomic predictions were previously expanded by including high-density (HD) or sequence markers with the largest effects for Holstein breed only. Other non-Holstein breeds lacked enough HD genotyped animals to be used as a reference population at that time, and thus were not included in the genomic prediction. Recently, numbers of non-Holstein breeds genotyped using HD panels reached an acceptable level for imputation and marker selection, allowing HD genomic prediction and HD marker selection for Holstein plus 4 other breeds. Genotypes for 351,461 Holsteins, 347,570 Jerseys, 42,346 Brown Swiss, 9,364 Ayrshires (including Red dairy cattle), and 4,599 Guernseys were imputed to the HD marker list that included 643,059 SNP. The separate HD reference populations included Illumina BovineHD (San Diego, CA) genotypes for 4,012 Holsteins, 407 Jerseys, 181 Brown Swiss, 527 Ayrshires, and 147 Guernseys. The 643,059 variants included the HD SNP and all 79,254 (80K) genetic markers and QTL used in routine national genomic evaluations.AZD9291 cell line

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