DEV Community

Discussion on: 5 tips for beginners to learn better & stay motivated

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Great points.

When I've taught people how to code in the past, I definitely found that people get in their own way a lot. They try to "just power through problems" (instead of googling), they get super overwhelmed at the entire problem (instead of going one step at a time), and they work on problems that aren't useful or interesting to them.

So these points hit all of those really well - and it's really important message for anyone learning how to code. Thanks for the post!

mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

Good mentors like you make a huge difference in separating the wheat from the chaff for beginners. They don't know what's important to solve and what's not. And not seeing progress for a considerable time can become de-motivating.