DEV Community

Chris Achard
Chris Achard

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What is your favorite editor and why?

I used to use TextMate, but switched to Sublime Text when they stopped supporting TextMate 1 (many years ago), and have gotten really fast with Sublime.

Recently though I've played around with VS Code and really like it (because of how customizable it is), but I still find myself opening Sublime more.

So: without starting any editor "wars", I was just curious: what is your favorite editor right now and why?

If you'd like to give more context, I'd also love to know: What is your favorite plugin/extension for that editor?

For Sublime, one fun one is "Emoji" (so you can insert emojis with just a few keystrokes):

And for VS Code, an underrated one I think is "Custom CSS", which lets you fully customize the VSCode experience by writing custom css:

Oldest comments (43)

hkhuraldev profile image
Harkamal Khural • Edited

I am still hung up on vim, though VSCode really appeals to me. I am just too comfortable with the shortcuts in vim to learn them again for VSCode. Oh Well...

brewsterbhg profile image
Keith Brewster

I'm a VS Code fan, I think it's got an incredibly rich plugin/extension system, and anytime I open a filetype I haven't worked with, I immediately get popups being like "hey want to install a formatter for this?". I really like Git Lens, because I get an immediate git blame beside any line I highlight (not because I like to blame people for things, but it helps to see when code was last modified when debugging). It's also great because the blame itself not very invasive.

heathnaylor profile image
Heath Naylor

I enjoy VSCode with Vim bindings, or just Vim depending on what I am working on. Feels quick to get around and write code in both.

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar
sophiabrandt profile image
Sophia Brandt

I used VSCode, but now I use NeoVim.


  • extremely customizable to my needs
  • much faster than VSCode
  • superb integration with the terminal
  • "modal editing"/keyboard as a first-class citizen (which makes me much faster than trying to navigate VSCode with both mouse and keyboard)


  • not beginner-friendly
  • high learning curve
  • it takes some time to customize to your needs
  • complicated setup for many plugins (with VSCode it's a simple installation of a plugin, with Vim it's a complicated manual install)

The Vim keybindings for VS Code didn't work for me because VS Code and also many plugins overwrite the standard Vim bindings. I had to customize a lot of key mapping to get my Vim experience back. At that time, I switched back to NeoVim.

cbeauhilton profile image

nvim has some great plugin managers that make it as easy or easier than VS Code - I like Vim-Plug

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

Liz Tilberis

vonheikemen profile image

This is funny. My favorite is Neovim but i can't use it right now for everything.

So i'm using Sublime text just because it can adjust the indentation per file automatically.

Favorite extensions

  • NvMode: Not Vim Mode. I made it. The idea is to enable modal editing and bind native sublime commands to keys in "command mode" (the equivalent of vim's normal mode). It doesn't try to emulate vim, better plugins have tried and failed, so it is just an aggresive keymap configuration and a handful of custom commands. Since is a plugin it can be extended even more with your own config (like i did). And by the way, to install it you just clone it inside the sublime packages folder.

  • AceJump: Allows you to move the cursor to any character to any place currently on screen.

With those two modal editing in sublime is not that bad. I got what i need from both worlds.

ceyhunkerti profile image
Ceyhun Kerti

vscode, ms engineered it very good and it's fast despite the baggage of being an electron app.

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Used Sublime, then VSCode for years, went back to Sublime. It's honestly faster than VSCode on an older machine like mine and it has enough plugins :D

It's weird how we swear on one tool or another, then for external reasons (VSCode uses too much RAM sometimes) you switch tool and after a couple of weeks you find yourself happy with the new one as well :D

sonandrew profile image
Andrew Jackson

I have two depending on what I am doing. I mostly use VSCode when coding, because it has a lot of extensions that help me through the process like file icons and the Git addition added to it, makes my life so much easier when trying to remember what I worked on or what I did so that is a major reason I use it. When I am working with System-level files on Mac and Linux I use Vim because it's simplicity. When on RPi I have to use Vim because installing a large application like VS or Sublime it makes the Pi soooooooooooo very slooooooowww and it is a pain. I could use Atom but Vim is just easier to access.

hbjy profile image
Hayden Young

Either VSCode or Neovim.

dynomite567 profile image

VSCode. I have been switching back and forth between Sublime and VSCode, but recently I have been giving NeoVim a spin just to try things out, experiment a bit more, see what I like.

giorgosilias profile image
George Ilias

I use VS Code. It has great support, it's beautiful and has a very rich plugin - extention system. It also feels and i believe it is more complete.

ehsan profile image
Ehsan Azizi

I mostly develop frontend apps with Angular, and VSCode is always my go-to text editor because of fantastic angular extensions along with the TSLint plugin which does an incredibly good job of analyzing and linting Typescript code, though sometimes VSCode becomes painfully slow maybe that's because I use too many extensions or it's nature of being built with Electron framework which is common for being too greedy on system resources.

sachinms91 profile image

It has to be VS Code with such vast extensions. For working with kubernetes it is helpful