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Chris Blakely

Self-taught frontend developer turned Lead UI developer. Creating articles, tutorials and videos aimed at beginners. Come say hi @


Senior Frontend Developer

Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
4 Week Writing Streak
One Year Club
10 tips to start building your own projects and break out of "Tutorial Hell"

10 tips to start building your own projects and break out of "Tutorial Hell"

Comments 4
3 min read

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What is Reacts useState hook? 4 common examples you'll need to know

What is Reacts useState hook? 4 common examples you'll need to know

Comments 1
5 min read
Fast track your React learning with these 12 Tips!

Fast track your React learning with these 12 Tips!

Comments 9
6 min read
Heres a React Project you can build today. Starter code, tips, challenges to try & video walkthrough!

Heres a React Project you can build today. Starter code, tips, challenges to try & video walkthrough!

Comments 1
2 min read
Let's build a contact list using React Hooks, function components, and a real API

Let's build a contact list using React Hooks, function components, and a real API

17 min read
Let's build a basic calculator using flexbox and vanilla JavaScript

Let's build a basic calculator using flexbox and vanilla JavaScript

Comments 4
14 min read
Ace your first year in the job as a junior developer with this advice

Ace your first year in the job as a junior developer with this advice

8 min read
Avoiding burnout: Simple tips to stay fresh and motivated

Avoiding burnout: Simple tips to stay fresh and motivated

Comments 7
4 min read
Here's how to build your own projects from scratch

Here's how to build your own projects from scratch

Comments 3
7 min read