DEV Community

Discussion on: Self-publishing a technical book

chrisrhymes profile image
C.S. Rhymes

Great looking book! How do you find gumroad? I’ve published my book on there (also pdf generated from asciidoc) but I’m not getting much visibility. I need to put more effort into marketing. Any tips where to start?

getaclue profile image
Alex Kluew

Good day C.S.,
Unfortunately I have the same experience as you. If you are looking towards moving serious volumes, you will need to invest into marketing. I believe this holds true regardless of your audience size. At the moment, for 2020, I would suggest finding the best reddit area for you to advertise in. Alternatively, use your social media networking resources. Heck, dev has its own listing area on the front page -- list it there (I did). Beyond this, I would recommend finding an area where your audience hangs out and participate there. Or... you could write your book or an outline or a project proposal and work with a publisher.
Hope it helps.