DEV Community

Pets of Codeland 2020

Clarke Jacobse on July 23, 2020

As we are all attending the Codeland Conference from home, our pets get to join in on the fun too! What are your pets doing today? Here's the chance to share the pictures we wish we could share in the chat 🐱 🐶

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

My sweet, sweet potato! :3 One of the stalks is George.


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awwww look at that tail wagging!

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady

It's grown so much since CodeLand Conf! 🤩
moar growth

clarke profile image
Clarke Jacobse

My cat Oscar is watching the birds while I watch the talks 🐦

A fluffy black and white cat is staring out the window

clarke profile image
Clarke Jacobse

Update: he is now lying in a cardboard box next to my desk (which of course he loves more than the cat bed I bought for him) 😂 Fluffy black and white cat is lying in a cardboard box stretched out with white belly showing

macginitie profile image
Andrew MacGinitie

of course he does! :)

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

My cat:

His brother:

They're littermates, but cat 1 clearly favors me and cat 2 clearly favors my boyfriend, and they tolerate each other. They both wanted all over my lap during the conf talks <3

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

First one up, my dog Cora! She is a 7-year-old greyhound and loves a good nap.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

And of course, cat time! 😸😸

Like Cora, my kitty Jade loves to nap (quite regularly on her back!)

Then there's Icarus that loves forts!

leeclarke profile image

This is Sweetie and she really is a sweetie unless you start a discussion on squirrels or say Windows is better then Linux....

Sweetie on a yoga mat

Shes a better photographer then I am too.. :)

colindean profile image
Colin Dean • Edited

Sleepy Audrey, a tri-color beagle, is 10 weeks old this week.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
colindean profile image
Colin Dean

And Current, who just turned 7 last week! More pics of her at

clarke profile image
Clarke Jacobse

Happy belated birthday to Current! 🎉

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇 • Edited

Here's my boy Ditox, looking at me while I'm working, he always want to be at my side <3

He begins like this (Hi hooman):

And then like this (I want you to pet me and give you kisses):

clarke profile image
Clarke Jacobse

That's so cute! 🐶  Is he a golden retriever mix of some sort?

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

I think so, If i press the Google Lens button on my pixel 4 XL, google finds basque shepperd, new scotland retriever, golden retriever and so, but he's 3 years old and weights 13Kg only so I don't know the ReMix on him hahaha

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

Here are my two, helping me code by sleeping as close to me as possible.
Two spaniels sleeping either side of a laptop on a sofa

Winnie also has a habit of placing herself in my vision when she has decided I'm not paying her enough attention.
A brown and white spaniel pushes her face up against a woman's face.

digitaldimarie profile image
💎Di Marie💎 • Edited

My very sweet poofkin Liza Jane sat with me for most of the events.