DEV Community

Clayton Malarkey
Clayton Malarkey

Posted on

tasks for this upcoming month

Career Development (Full Stack Developer Boot Camp):

Complete weekly coursework assignments.
Attend virtual coding boot camp classes as scheduled.
Review and practice coding exercises for at least 2 hours daily.
Collaborate with peers on coding projects and assignments.
Seek help from mentors or instructors when facing coding challenges.
CEO Duties (Malarkey Enterprises):

  1. Review the company's financial statements and make necessary adjustments.

Set clear goals and expectations for the company's growth.
Conduct regular team meetings to keep everyone aligned with the company's vision.
Develop and implement a marketing strategy to increase brand visibility.
Explore potential business partnerships or collaborations.
Startup Development (Public Deindoctrination App):

  1. Define the app's core features and functionalities.

Create a wireframe or prototype of the app's user interface.
Research and choose the technology stack for app development.
Begin coding the app's frontend and backend.
Test and debug the app's functionality.
Mental Health and Life Balance:

  1. Schedule regular breaks during work hours to avoid burnout.

Practice mindfulness and meditation for 15 minutes daily.
Engage in physical activity or exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Set boundaries for work hours to ensure work-life balance.
Reach out to a mental health professional for support and therapy sessions.
Financial Planning (Moving towards the I Quadrant of Wealth):

  1. Review personal financial goals and assess progress.

Create a monthly budget to manage expenses effectively.
Explore investment opportunities and consider diversifying investments.
Read financial literature or attend webinars to increase financial literacy.
Set up automatic savings transfers to build wealth gradually.
Networking and Personal Development:

  1. Attend industry-related webinars or conferences.

Reach out to potential mentors or advisors for guidance.
Join professional networking groups or communities.
Read one personal development book per week.
Practice effective communication and leadership skills.

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