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What if LinkedIn was beautiful? - New UI

Claudio Bonfati on March 19, 2021

Hey everyone, three months ago I started a side-project with the goal to create a beautiful user interface for the web version of our beloved Linke...
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I think the existing LinkedIn interface looks kinda nasty, too, but I suspect that's part of what they're going for. Businesses, banks, etc, which want to give the impression that they're Very Serious People like more old-school approaches. I think they think that anything modern-looking implies you're a new company and don't have much clout. What you're trying to do is make it look like a generic 202x social media site.

Now, LinkedIn is a poor experience, and I like your take on it much better, but you have decided to keep some of the less-good parts and even introduced some things which I feel are a step backwards.

In particular, you've gone for a very pale look where the contrast for a some parts of the interface is very low.

I also find things a little confusing. I don't like moving interfaces anyway, but the tabs confuse me because they slide in from the right no matter whether you're going left or right in the tab headings. My brain tells me that it's a slider, but it's not, and that feels off.

That menu in the top that says "discover"? I have no idea how to get that to change to "people" or "companies" or what have you. In fact, I don't know how to do anything except by drilling down into a company and a person then trying to navigate back up, or by using the global search and hoping I get a hit.

Don't take this as negative, I like what you're doing to "our beloved LinkedIn". Wait. Hold up. I don't think I've ever met anyone before who liked using LinkedIn. Is this a first?

robotix263 profile image

Yeah I agree there, lol honestly as humans we don't like something that is too perfect because it'll look SUS so order to make humans come to the same spot you need to make a little bit of like a mistake so it looks normal, humans we are built solve problems mostly so if something is perfect we tend not to like it, {my own opinion}

omril321 profile image
Omri Lavi

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.
May I ask how much time did you spend on the side project each day / week? Did you plan a weekly schedule and committed to it, or rather worked on it when you had some extra free time?

claudiobonfati profile image
Claudio Bonfati

Hey Omri, 🍻. I can say for sure that it was at least 6 hours a week, but I'm also sure that it was way more than that... I had a small weekly (and flexible) schedule that I committed to, and also a goal to "not spend more than 3 days in a row without working on it". If I just decided to work on "extra free time" I would have taken a lot longer to finish. Planning usually helps me to hit the [start coding] button, and after that, seeing the progress kind of makes me keep going.

omril321 profile image
Omri Lavi

Got it, that's really great.
For me, I try working on side projects 5 days a week for 1-1.5 hours almost each day. I found that this is aa good balance between my free time and making real progress.
Keep on the good work Claudio 🍻

vaibhav_arora__ profile image
Vaibhav Arora

I also want to know this

rahxuls profile image

This UI is just amazing. I can give you a tip. You can make chrome extension when people activate that extension it will give a new look to their LinkedIn. I'm sure many people hate the UI of LinkedIn.

iam_timsmith profile image
Tim Smith

Hey Claudio,

I like it a lot! I noticed a few things while playing around with it though. First, some of the text in the company header can be hard to read if the image has white in it. I saw this on the RedHat page, so perhaps adding more contrast would help. I put a screenshot below. Also on that page, Careers is spelled wrong.

Overall, it looks really good and offers a refreshing take on a platform that can sometimes feel clunky and outdated. Well done! 🍻

Redhat Header

claudiobonfati profile image
Claudio Bonfati

Good eye, Tim. Thanks, glad you liked it. 🍻

simonholdorf profile image
Simon Holdorf

Nice work!

operfildoluiz profile image
Luiz Gonçalves ☕

I've been studying Framer Motion. It's nice to see what you have done with it

Nicely done!

scr2em profile image
Mohamed Abdelgwad

Awesome, I had the same issue making an animation to my Next pages. I was reading eagerly to know how you made it then got the dead end lol

condinoaljoseph profile image

You got yourself a new follower

estruyf profile image
Elio Struyf

Looks amazing! Great work. It is much cleaner and easier to read.

bazen profile image

nice work, loved it & thanks for sharing.

jamesnm profile image
James Moore

Nice design ! That looks great.

samofoke profile image
Sabata Mofokeng

great job and thanks for including the walk through video.

good3n profile image
Tom Gooden✨

Unfortunately LinkedIn ha away bigger problems than it’s UI atm.

jgntruong profile image
JohnGabriel Nguyen-Truong

@claudiobonfati this is awesome. I'm new to the dev world, and I love modern and minimalist designs... Let's connect, I'm working on multiple social media projects.

rubenrudov profile image
Ruben Rudov

WOW, Amazing work !!! 👏👏👏

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I honestly think this is a good improvement it makes it feel more casual. The current design feels a bit too serious for my liking.