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Add a loader to your website

Clément Gaudinière on May 12, 2021

Hello, today we will learn how to add a loader to our website ! Loaders have been used for a long time, it has been proven that users are more pati...
pavelloz profile image
Paweł Kowalski

I have other idea; make your website so fast it doesnt need loader.

cyrlah profile image
Charly Escalona

But sometimes the user's internet speed are not enough powerful to load quickly your website, so I think a loader are useful in this case.

brandonwallace profile image

Yes Pawel, it is a great idea to make the website load fast. Loaders are good for processes that could take a long time such as querying an API or a database for data. I put a loader on one of my websites during the query to two APIs but it only shows for split a second.

pavelloz profile image
Paweł Kowalski

Ive read somewhere that if spinner is shown for less than 2 seconds, its better to not show it, because it confuses users. Some applications even show spinners as long as its needed but not less than 2 seconds, to avoid it.

ps173 profile image
Pratham Sharma

Check this site they provide some neat loaders and their code snippets for free

clementgaudiniere profile image
Clément Gaudinière

Yes my loader comes from this site, you can also use this site which allows to customize them :

elijahe35939317 profile image

You could also implement that with gifs i hope?

clementgaudiniere profile image
Clément Gaudinière

It is possible, you need to replace the

<div class="lds-ripple">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

with an image :

<img src="yourImg.gif"  alt="Your Img">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This method is less recommended since gifs take longer to load. 😉

youpiwaza profile image

You also need to specify the loading of the gif outside of the loader, else the loader won't display from the beginning :/

viracoding profile image

Do u find it okay to use setTimeout on your page? I try every time to avoid it.

clementgaudiniere profile image
Clément Gaudinière

The setimeout is not there to define the duration of the loader but to coordinate the keyframe animation and the display : none animation in javascript.

peprahk713 profile image

This has really made my day as a beginner......thank you very much

clementgaudiniere profile image
Clément Gaudinière

But you're welcome 😀