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Oscar Ortiz
Oscar Ortiz

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Why ReactJS? Exploring the Benefits of Learning This Framework

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Modern technology has revolutionized the way we build and interact with web browsers. Thanks to frameworks, open-source code, and the brilliant minds behind them, developers have access to powerful tools. Whether you’re a self-taught beginner or a seasoned web developer, considering ReactJS for your skill set is wise. This article will explore ReactJS’s achievements and objectives, helping you determine if it aligns with your goals. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview of ReactJS and its significance in web applications, from why there is a very high demand for jobs to exploring the efficiency of fast development and, lastly, how supportive the community and ecosystem genuinely are.

This article is not to convince or praise reactjs; this is to give you an idea of what type of tasks can be done and if it's something that you should consider having in your skill set.

High demand for jobs

Code Screen

New ideas and projects constantly emerge in our fast-paced, information-driven world, necessitating a web platform to distribute content to their intended audience, meaning there is most likely always a new job to work on or contribute to. In web applications, the client-side component is pivotal as it surrounds the user interface. At this point, users interact with the application and access the information they seek. ReactJS is known for its ability to display tons of data, and as a User-Interface framework, it has revolutionized the speed at which developers can craft dynamic web applications.

Statistic: Most used web frameworks among developers worldwide, as of 2023 | Statista
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Here is a data chart showing the most used programming languages at current time, where JavaScript is leading as the Number one used programming language

Now, what type of jobs, you may ask? Well, there are web applications like Facebook, which I'm sure we're all pretty familiar with in today's modern-day, so social media platforms are popular since they tend to handle lots of data to be displayed typically in real-time. E-commerce sites are another popular project to work on with React, single-page applications for small business owners or even non-profit organizations to help their clients find basic information about their organization. There is no end to ideas.

Efficient and Fast Development

Virtual Dom

Using ReactJS has significantly accelerated project development. Over the past decade, ReactJS, created by Facebook (now known as META), has been meticulously designed and refined. It employs an intelligent approach known as the virtual DOM, where only the necessary parts of a web page are updated when a user requests a change. This process is technical and worthy of in-depth exploration in a future article related to the Document Object Model (DOM).

This technique enables web applications to swiftly implement changes without causing a jarring page refresh, providing a seamless and fast user experience. ReactJS also excels in scalability. As applications become complex, maintaining performance and reducing unnecessary rendering becomes crucial. ReactJS equips developers with optimization techniques to fine-tune when components should be updated. Moreover, its component-based architecture fosters reusability. For example, consider Facebook's architecture, which heavily relies on reusable components to efficiently display vast amounts of content, like news feeds, to users without requiring full page reloads. This strategic use of features contributes to ReactJS's efficiency and speed in web development.

Strong ecosystem and community


React.js has a great support network, including folks from META (formerly Facebook). Think of it like a toolbox. Developers facing similar challenges have made something called Node Package Modules (NPM), which are like pre-made tools you can find on the internet. You can quickly grab these tools and use them in your projects. React.js is one of these tools, but it’s a bit more advanced and explicitly designed for React projects, unlike straightforward tools.

Resource Links

Community Resources:

Stack Overflow: A great place to ask questions and find answers related to React.
Reactiflux Discord: A Discord community of React developers. React Community: has a vibrant React community with articles, tutorials, and discussions.


"Learning React" by Alex Banks and Eve Porcello
"Pro React 16" by Adam Freeman
"React Up and Running" by Stoyan Stefanov

Styling in React:

Styled Components: A popular library for styling React components with tagged template literals.
CSS Modules: A solution for locally scoped CSS by default.

Blogs and Newsletters:

React Blog: The official React blog for updates and news.
React Status: A newsletter featuring React news and articles.

A final look

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling job hunt in React.js? Discover just how red-hot the demand for React.js skills is in your vicinity, ensuring your career path aligns with your geographical preferences, whether it's local opportunities or the exciting world of remote work.

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