In today's tutorial, we'll explore the process of deploying a WordPress website on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) using Bitnami. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step, from launching your EC2 instance to accessing the WordPress admin dashboard and starting your website-building journey.
Step 1
- Log in to the Amazon Console and navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.
- Create a new instance and give the instance a name
- Browse through the AMI
- Search for Wordpress by Bitnami
- Under the AWS Marketplace and choose the WordPress by Bitnami as the Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
- Select the t3 micro instance type
- Create a new keypair or select from existing ones
- Keep the Security group as default
- You can leave the root volume as 10gb or increase to 30gb (It is still within the free tier)
- Leave everything else as default and click on Launch Instance
Once our EC2 is up and running
- Select the EC2 you just created, in the details tab you will find the Public IP section
- Copy the Public IPv4 address and paste in your web browser
Yes! Our WordPress site is now live
Now we need to login to our Admin Dashboard
- Simply append "/wp-admin" to your Public IPv4 address in the browser address bar (e.g. In our case is the IP Address
Let's fetch the username and password from our EC2 Logs
- Select the EC2 Instance
- Click actions
- In the drop down select the Monitor and Troubleshoot
- Click the Get system logs
- Scroll through the system logs until you see something like the image above.
The password and user name is in the logs
- Return to the WordPress admin login page and enter the username and password obtained from the logs.
Now we have successfully logged in to the Admin Dashboard of our WordPress.
You can now install plugins and themes to customize your WordPress site according to your preferences.
Explore the wide range of options available and start building your dream website.
Deploying a WordPress website on EC2 **using **Bitnami is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with just a few simple steps.
By following this guide, you've successfully launched your WordPress site on AWS and gained access to the powerful tools and features of the WordPress admin dashboard.
Now, it's time to unleash your creativity and build an impressive online presence.
Happy website building!
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