Today we will be launching a Windows EC2 instance using the AWS management console.
Step 1
- Log in to the AWS account
- Navigate to the EC2 dashboard
- Click on Launch instance
Step 2
Here you will be required to input some details and make some selections.
- Specify Instance name
- Select a Windows AMI
Step 3
This is where you select your RAM, CPU, Hard disk etc
- Select the t2 micro (it's within the free tier)
Step 4
- Select an existing key pair or create a new one. For this purpose, we will create a new key pair
- Click Create new Key pair
- Specify the Key pair name
- Select the **.pem **key type
Your new keypair has been created
Step 5
Here a default VPC, Security group and storage has been selected
Leave everything else as default for now.
Step 6
Here is a summary of our instance
- Select launch instance
Our instance has been launched successfully,
- Click view all instance
Step 7
Our instance is running
Now let's connect to our instance
- Click on Connect
*Step 8 *
Select RDP Client (Remote Desktop Protocol Client)
Download the RDP file
Now we need our key pair so click on Get password
Step 9
We need to upload the key pair we created earlier
- Upload the keypair
- Click on decrypt
Now our password is available for use after decryption
Step 10
- Launch the RDP client we downloaded earlier
- Click on Connect
- Enter the password we generated
Click yes
Yes! We have successfully connected to our Windows instance Now our Windows environment is ready
The Windows instance has been deployed successfully.
Now we can perform different Windows activities on it.
Remember to delete the EC2 we just created after this project to avoid being charged.
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